Sounds like you got a 40 SERIES AW 50-42LE or AW 50-55. What is it not doing exactly as you could buy a trans kit for this and do it your self.
Dec 31, 6:33am
warning signflashed statimg it needed attention then stopped . it can be driven slowly for short it an easy fix or new auto
Dec 31, 6:38am
Needs to have fault codes read for any sort of proper diagnosis. Volvo dealer is your best bet. Most likely a bit more expensive than your average mechanic but they will have the correct gear to diagnose the fault correctly, which will usually save you time and money. In the mean time, check the transmission fluid level and condition.
Dec 31, 6:38am
What year!
Dec 31, 6:38am
And which engine!
Dec 31, 6:39am
How many km's on it and when did you last service the Auto! The Japanese Automatic transmissions in those don't like having their servicing neglected.
Dec 31, 6:41am
Damned Japanese! Those Euro transmissions love to be neglected!
Dec 31, 6:44am
LOL, I just got that in there before the usual ignorant knuckle draggers bleat on about it being Euro Trash etc. Sometimes it is fun to let them bleat for a bit and then point out the transmission is Japanese though.
But you are right, it was a sad era for pretty much all manufacturers as marketing pressure made them pretend they could "seal for life" their auto's. At least the AW 5 speed I am expecting it to be has a removable filter and can be serviced properly if people bother to do it. That said, they could have made the valve body and other components more robust though I suspect.
Dec 31, 8:19am
hi there jazzpianomado you know much about the auto trans its 2 ltr motoryr 2000 with close to 150,000 km are they easily re paired or would a reco be best and what sort of prices would i be looking atthankyou for any information
Dec 31, 8:27am
Has it ever been serviced (transmission flush and filter)! Pretty much without putting it on a diagnostic machine I could only hazard a guess.
If it has never been serviced, even if this particular fault is not major (and it probably is) its well due for a major failure. So, sadly yes, I would be look along the lines of getting it reconditioned or replaced. Probably more reconditioned as unless you can find a really low km replacement you will likely wind up back at square one again as most are not serviced as then need to be.
Dec 31, 8:31am
Yea best to go get a quote from a transmission place, mightbe more than the car is worth. Good luck.
Aug 2, 10:55am
Oh, and I haven't worked on a 2.0 one before but yes I would expect it has the usual AW 5 speed auto that I am familiar with.
Make sure you do get it looked at by a transmission expert that is familiar with those transmissions though before replacement. There was a servo cover update (cheap easy fix) that may help and even updating the software (Best to use a Volvo specialist for this) can help some problems.
Just don't hold your breath, as I said if it has not been serviced when it should any fix may be temporary.
Someone on here might be able to recommend a good independent Volvo workshop in Auckland. Be wary of the main dealers, I have dealt with one (also a Holden agent) who has no issue with telling lies, breaking the law and charging several times what they quoted yet did only half the work. They made no apology for this behavior either, just told more lies when pulled up on it.
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