Accord Euro L for me, very nice cars, probably a bit less likely to have been hooned than a Skyline. Honda possibly a little more economical than the Skyline as well but have no facts to back up that wild claim.
Jan 1, 3:54pm
Euro, hands down.
Jan 1, 4:03pm
O.P. How old are you! Euro nice ride for over the hill gang, Skyline for hooning, as above.
Jan 1, 4:30pm
250GT is a luxo barge like the accord
your probablly thinking of the other model skyline nissan made
Jan 1, 4:47pm
Honda Accord Euro is an easy winner here.
Jan 1, 4:53pm
The newer 250GT Skylines are a nice car.
Jan 1, 5:05pm
I'm over 40, not over the hill :). Just looking for something with a bit of power to tow the boat (currently have a 2 litre), but won't turn me round and bend me over each time I pass a service station.The GT doesn't look to be an out and out boy racer unit and I've always liked the Accords - just looking for something to compare between really.Nissan is RWD! (better at the boat ramp)!
Jan 1, 5:08pm
Another to throw in the mix - Toyota Mark X!
Jan 1, 5:30pm
The V35 Skylines are a bit dated now, but quite cheap to buy The V36 looks a bit fresher but I have a feeling they're just about to start their depreciation slide
If you go for a V35 then you may as well look at the 300GT - not really any more expensive to buy, or to run
Jan 1, 6:19pm
Excuse my ignorance - how do I know which is V35/36!
Jan 1, 8:01pm
The skyline 2.5 will have the Neo Di motor, I would steer clear
Jan 1, 8:05pm
Only the V35. V36 went back to conventional fuel injection.
Jan 1, 8:18pm
This will start a controversy, but I would consider the RWD Nissan would be a much better tow vehicle, if "the boat" is any bigger than a 4 metre tinny.
Jan 1, 8:40pm
Boat is a 5.7 Mac, so light for the size, but just a bit much for the 2L, particularly at the ramp (and I haven't really attacked any big hills yet either).Either the V35 or V36 look nice cars to me.4 fuel stars in that V36!
Jan 1, 9:15pm
A MAC 5.7 must have a tow weight around 1250 kg which in my opinion would be a big ask for any FWD car. If you are planing much towing or have steep ramps, the FWD/RWD choice should dictate your purchase rather than personal preference, as they are both good cars.
Jan 1, 9:23pm
I'll point out that both models can be had with AWD (although I think you need a wagon to get AWD and the 2.4 in the Accord). Just note you pay an economy penalty for AWD when you don't need it.
Also I'd tend to think 4 stars is a bit generous for the 2.5 Skyline unless you're talking mostly open road - around town I'd expect an Accord to do significantly better
Jan 1, 10:22pm
The Accord Euro is light years ahead of the Nissan IMHO. If you tow the boat 1% of the time, then why let that influence your buying decision by more than 1%!
Jan 1, 11:59pm
That 1% of the time assumes much more importance if it leaves you looking like a w___ker at the boat ramp :)I think tow weight on the Mac is more like 1 tonne.Lazzo, what are your reasons for the Accord preference!I drive around 85 km round trip to work each day and in total around 25000 a year, so most of my kms are open road, but from what I've read I would have thought that 4 stars on the GT was optimistic
Jan 2, 12:24am
Most cars on the road will tow a 1 tonne boat, and pull it from a boat ramp.
Accord Euros have been a big hit with the fleet sector, so proven for daily commutes.
Jan 2, 12:25am
Yes. That's the bugger. Beaut car, much better than the Nissan.
Jan 2, 12:46am
I don't agree the Accord has better build quality or engineering - they're both fairly equivalent. Better economy is probably fair, but then the Nissan has better performance and handling.
Jan 2, 2:07pm
So by this logic, appearance parked in your driveway should have a weighting of 90%, as that is where it will spend at least 90% of it life!
Jan 2, 2:47pm
Not many people own a Multipla. Why!
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