Ok can you sell a car to wreckers if you

stefanie1, Jan 4, 8:20pm
aren't legally the owner!(ie name not on the papers!)

dasfi, Jan 4, 8:53pm
Who cares, there just gonna scrap or wreck it anyway,

theram1, Jan 4, 9:02pm
So if someone steals your car, strips the good parts and sells what is left to a wrecker as scrap, is that ok!.

dasfi, Jan 4, 9:06pm
Happens all the time anyway and nobody seems to do anything about it

kazbanz, Jan 4, 10:49pm
What answer do you wantThe legal begal answer or the real world answer!
Ahh who caqre I'll give ya both.
Real world --You CAN do anything you want to do. Do handstands in the middle of queen street. Go scuba diving with sharks.strip a car for parts.
Legal beagal--You can't legally sell a car or part of that car that doesn't belong to you.

dinosaw88, Jan 4, 11:33pm
Some wreckers now ask that all cars are deregistered and plates handed in before they buy them. They have to keep records and arent allowed to sell parts off it for a certain amount of time either, although I'm sure most probably do.