Transportation of car from Otago

chrys5, Jan 25, 8:48pm
to Wellington. I have my eye on a car in Otago, I live near New Plymouth but can get to Wellington. Anyone have anyideas on who would be the cheapest to get it here. Thanks in advance. Paula

arrithedog, Jan 25, 9:14pm
Fly down, drive it back. I put one on a transporter that got totally f****ed but despite paying the extra "insurance" I was well and truly shafted, not a single cent in compensation, cost me 600 bucks just to get it to start again when it arrived. Never been right since, yet was running perfectly when it left here. Drive it yourself, or get someone you trust to do it.

amberjandal, Jan 25, 10:18pm
Get a student to drive it back for you , i think there are student notice boards and there must be one down there from the Naki missing Mamas food.

scuba, Jan 26, 12:02am

make a holiday of it
If it was me I'dgo to the airport and buy a standby ticket fly down and drive back.
got any mates you could visit on the trip!

chrys5, Jan 26, 1:51am
Thanks guys. I was considering doing that. I was going to see if my sister would come for a road trip,we could be Thelma and Louise (without the ending) lol. Ive never been down South either so it will be nice, a bit scary tho as I sort of stick to my comfort zones lol

chook90, Jan 26, 2:43am
Cheapest would be getting someone to drive it up. Next cheapest is probably Captain Transport.
We are headed down on the 8th, coming back 10th if that helps

arrithedog, Jan 26, 3:51am
As long as you don't want to drive it once it arrives !
When do you need it moving!

sas777, Jan 26, 4:03am
You take care down south, and if you hear banjos, paddle faster.

chrys5, Jan 26, 4:29pm
Hehe. Oddly enough my msg alert tone is duelling banjos,maybe I best change it lol.If I buy it I guess it would need to be picked up in the next week or so . Thanks for everyone's suggestions, much appreciated : )