Shipping a car to South Island

tpogirl9, Feb 5, 12:45pm
Can anybody advise if they have shipped a car from north is to south is and approx cost and the best company to use.

senitor11, Feb 5, 12:59pm
6 months ago we used Captain Transporter from Wellington to Christchurch, it cost just under $500 including insurance.

cuda.340, Feb 5, 3:55pm
i just shipped a racecar from aucks to christchurch return 2 weeks ago, $1000with CDG. some other racers towed their cars & were stung $400 each way across the ditch.

desmodave, Feb 5, 5:21pm
Why dont you just call or email the likes of Automovements and get a price. From north to south island , like what part of north to what part of south. Hamilton to Picton just cost me $544.13

tpogirl9, Feb 5, 7:24pm
Taupo to Alexandra.

kevlight, Feb 5, 9:51pm
we shipped our jeep, From Timaru toRotorua using Garden City Haulage,in 2011 ,for $ 580,
Jeffs Haulage is a common inter island car transporter too,

they have a web site whereyou can get a free quote;

Jeffs Price-Book . . .

Contact us for an obligation free quote on 0800 4 53337,

chevcamaro, Feb 6, 3:10am
captain transporter seems ok, wife uses them quite alot with no dramas

hawkeye30, Feb 7, 2:18am
my dad contacted the new car transporter companys. They were going up with a load and almost empty on the way back so they charged him bugga all. Cant remember the name of company but it was for a car yard. :)