Anyone reupholstered their car

kelzzz, Mar 12, 2:19am
themselves! I can sew, no problem. I can take shit apart, no problem. But what about glueing! I don'twant them all saggy, ya know! I'm thinking sewing a whole piece, and fitting like a seat cover. Any tips!

a.woodrow, Mar 12, 2:32am
take the old covers off, unpic all the stitching and use the pieces for your patterns

quickstitch, Mar 12, 2:35am
i've done all my own cars with great success, but then i am a trimmer by trade. I have seen furniture upholsterers make very average results in car trimming.tip for you, pay to get it done. It is not the sort of thing you can pick up overnight but if you are dead set on doing it then heres a few tips.Before you unpick the old seat cover for a pattern, put check marks on all joins and transfer them onto your new pieces of material to use as line up marks for when you sew it back together. Cut every panel out of the fabric in the same direction. if you cut one out wrong and it gets sewn into the seat it will look like a different fabric.

quickstitch, Mar 12, 2:39am
you will need hog rings and hog ring pliers, plus more than likely spray glue, you can use aerosol cans, 10 mm trico backed foam, listing tape. Plus most domestic sewing machine will struggle to sew a few layers of heavier fabric.

pollymay, Mar 12, 2:51am
Yes, it turned out pretty ok. The old interior was shagged so had nothing to lose. Some pics of the kinda things I did. It's NOT easy, I used a tonne of contact adhesive and had to do foam repairs along the way.

Hog rings are a must. How it works is you basically fit the fabric to the topside you see using set in wires in the foam to hold it down tight then stretch it around the sides and clip in with the hogrings underneath. if you do it wrong there are wrinkles everywhere. Mine settled in with some light working and was pretty smooth all over.

What kind of fabrics you want to use! Because a piece of genuine suede is a lot different to vinyl or denim etc. Some stretch nice, others don't. Depending on the thickness you have to think carefully about seams as well, you get 5 stacks of something thick it's going to be a nightmare.

kelzzz, Mar 12, 3:00am
Thanks for the tips quickstitch. I can design and make clothing so surely upholstery can't be too far removed haha.

Great work pollymay, they look amazing! I see what you mean about the wrinkling. I won't be using vinyl, just regular fabric. Will have to do some research on hog rings.

kelzzz, Mar 12, 3:01am
Are you best to get something with a bit of stretchh or not!

pollymay, Mar 12, 3:50am
Car upholstery normally has stretch in one direction to help fit it. I found it easier with the direction with stretch than the one without

socram, Mar 12, 9:11pm
I acquired an industrial sewing machine, but have had problems setting up, with the type of thread supplied (supposed to be OK, but wasn't) and also the correct needles, sewing a mix of suede, leather and vinyl with the backings.Given it a break at the moment and might need the sewing mechanic back - yet again!

kelzzz, Mar 13, 12:46am
The main problem I'm having is finding upholstery I like! Have been all over town and have an idea in my head of what I want but can't find it. I did one door trim today in what I thought would be nice but it's just not dramatic enough. It stuck well tho with spray glue and duct tape :p

kelzzz, Mar 13, 12:48am
yikes! You're braver than me, I'll stick to normal fabric I think

neville48, Mar 13, 8:41pm
When you have finished with yur glue and duck tape and she's all done at least yur safe in the knowledge that there will still be an upholsterer just down the road who can fix it properly for you, thats why he's there.-

trogedon, Mar 13, 9:46pm
Tint the windows. If you muck up then less of it can be seen from outside. Is that a bit negative.
Nice joy Polly.

kelzzz, Mar 14, 1:16am
not sure what you're trying to say but I don't attempt something unless I know i will do a proper job of it.

jmma, Mar 14, 1:22am
Polly did a nice JOB as well(o:

trogedon, Mar 14, 12:47pm
Got me.