Buying car dilemna- help

kimbo24, Mar 2, 2:21pm
need help deciding
nissan 1500cc automaticOR
nissan 1800cc automaticBUT will cost $3000 more
is it worth paying $3000 more for the 1800cc
I don't make alot of long trips but am keeping this car for 5-6 years both done 40 thou Kms

motorboy2011, Mar 2, 2:26pm
if all other aspects of the car are the the same, no its not worth 3k more

intrade, Mar 2, 2:28pm
na and you better check a few more things like what coulour automatic transmission need looking after on these or they go poo them selfs anywhere past 200,000kmfor automatic i personally would get a toyota and manual on nissan

ralphdog1, Mar 2, 2:32pm
You should buy the blue one

kimbo24, Mar 2, 2:33pm
its a nissan tiida which use to be pulsars not many manuals about.just looking to know if I would regret buying a 1500 cc don't care about colour etc.what blue one -would love a blue car

intrade, Mar 2, 2:38pm
white ones rust faster in the roof so try not to buy a white one

kazbanz, Mar 2, 3:59pm
What kind of driving are you doing! Mostly city or mostly country/open road driving!
Unless you are doing mainly 100km/h driving Id say the 1800 is a waste of money.

kimbo24, Mar 2, 4:04pm
mostly around town but want a towbar to put 3 bikes onand sometimes a garden trailer to take rubbish to dump and once a week I drive to rotorua (48kms) maybe a longer trip once a year abit of a granny driver so never drive over 100kms unless passing. Dont want anything more than 1800 too expensive for petrol

johnf_456, Mar 3, 4:41am
Just as a heads up, bigger cc motors do not necessarily mean a car will use more fuel. In fact some cars with 1.3 1.5's that are underpowered use more fuel than rivals with much bigger engines. Generally because small engines have to work harder to develop the same power in a nutshell.

Trying to keep it simple, whats your budget!

meathead_timaru, Mar 3, 4:51am
Nothing like that at all.

kimbo24, Mar 3, 1:29pm
I have a trade in not worth too much my budget being $10 -$12 with trade in aiming for cars worth $12 - 15

kazbanz, Mar 3, 2:07pm
Kimbo--what you describe sounds like would be just fine with a 1500cc version EXCEPT the towing a trailer part.A light 6x4 once every few months would be fine but heavier I'd be reluctant to recommend.either

kimbo24, Mar 3, 2:18pm
sure the towing a trailer is probably once every 3-4 months just to take garden rubbish to dump which is 3 mins drive away I do want to put a bike rack on carrying 3 bikes now and then .ah so confused anybody want to take the money and buy for me.hate going around test driving cars etc blah! I want to keep this car for 5-6 years so want to be happy and not regret if its not gutsy enough. This is a mans job car hunting not for me!