Classic car shows / swap meets etc

jahemian, Mar 27, 10:13pm
Is there NOTHING in Christchurch! It seems like a pretty dead place for classics and hot rods, I don't have one myself (YET) but I love the culture and really miss Kumeu (Spelling!) and a few other shows my dad took me too. Would like my boyfriend to have a look at some cars too and see the culture etc. (South African, not really into cars at all. He drives a Polo. )

I'd also love to meet some like minded people (i don't really know many people at all in Chch)

fiatracer, Mar 27, 10:31pm
there's a huge number of lovely ChCh cars for sale - seems every time I find something I want, it's in ChCh damnit. Presume it's a hangover of the quakes, sadly.

jahemian, Mar 27, 10:33pm
I don't want to buy one. I'm a student. :( I just want to meet some like minded people and have a good outing every now and then. I love the culture of classics etc.

daryl14, Mar 27, 10:43pm
Buy some hot rod mags or pick up a free petrolhead. Shouldn't take long to find something.

millerz08, Mar 27, 10:56pm
The first sunday of every month there is a breakfast / classic car meet off johns rd, highway inn.

Pretty sure there is some car thing in Kaiapoi this weekend- but im not sure what its like never been, just seen it in the local paper.

jahemian, Mar 27, 11:12pm
I saw that breakfast thing. I'm very shy, I'd love to go along though. Maybe I'll rope my partner in to it.

millerz08, Mar 27, 11:16pm
You dont need to go in for breakfast, you can just have a noisey at the cars.
There is usually a coffee van there, so you could grab a coffee while you have a look.

jahemian, Mar 27, 11:19pm
I want to meet some new people though! Although I don't even know how I would approach them. :L "Hi, I like your car, I helped my dad put some breaks in a Desto once, I held my foot on the break, I'm totally into classics!".

I wish I had more confidence! Maybe if I dress like a Bettie they'll see I like cars and come talk to ME. Being young and dumb sucks.

xpfairmont, Mar 27, 11:35pm
I feel for you.
When I was a student in Dunedin there was only one car swap-meet/car show and one other car show.
They where about six months apart.
When I got back to Auckland there was something on every weekend either in or not a long drive from Auckland.
No wonder we can't full a rugby stadium up here, better things to do.

treachug, Mar 28, 12:42am
This weekend you could be in (semi classic car) heaven.Saturday theres the Holden Nationals being held at Pioneer stadium in Spreydon (10am-4pm I think) & out north (Kaiapoi or Rangiora area) theres a Ford car show (havent heard much about it tho)

supernova2, Mar 28, 1:10am
Must be a vintage car club in ChCh.Try Citizens Advice or similar for contacts.Once you find it join it.They wont mind that you are shy and Im sure they will welcome you and ptnr with open arms

jahemian, Mar 28, 1:56am
How did you find that information!! I love holdens! (Dream car is a Kingswood. I know. Bogan car, but I love big cars!) EEK! Love old Fords, too! Thanks so much, I'll try have a search around!

jahemian, Mar 28, 1:57am
I hope there is! I really should do that, that way I could even make some friends who will help me buy a car when I save up for it! (Not buy a dud, I mean! Dad lives in Nelson, can't come down if I want a car looked at!)

treachug, Mar 28, 2:55am
How! I work for a company that supports/sponsors the Holden event.Havent heard much about the Ford event though.

sicarius, Mar 28, 2:57am
Grab yourself a copy of the monthly Petrolhead Magazine. In the back few pages there is a section on what's coming up. Surely there will be things yo go to in the CHCH area. Good luck

premierv8, Mar 28, 1:36pm
The holden nationals at pioneer stadium go from 9am until 5.30pm and its $2 entry,cheers

hpaul, Mar 28, 3:35pm
Try VCC - for old stuff and local swap meets (Winchester, Tinwald) full of rusty car bits and knackered bikes.

The car specific forums (VASK/Bimmersport/Lotus7 etc) also have info on more modern stuff, google is your friend for that.

Despite the reputation for being a car culture society it's a pretty soporific bunch of car nuts in CHCH and trying to get them out for a meet is like pulling teeth.

jahemian, Mar 28, 7:18pm
Is it today or tomorrow! I can't find any info on it at all (My Google skills suck.) They should advertise these things widely

jahemian, Mar 28, 7:54pm
Tracked down the Ford one. It's only open to paying members. What's the point of that! :/

gooddealz2, Mar 28, 8:06pm
Next weekend Winchester.You'll have to drive out of town a bit but it's a good day ouot if weather is kind.South of Christchurch,not far from Timaru if you're new to the area.

premierv8, Mar 29, 12:36pm
The holden show is only on saturday and i have seen the cars and it is worth a look.

fyg, Mar 29, 12:51pm
Good call. Well worth the trip down from ChCh. Lots to see and do, always a good day for any classic car fan, and these days it's grown enough to include things that can distract partners while you check out the cars!