Old car Bonnet found on roadside near putaruru

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gruntabro, Mar 23, 10:20pm
Found it this morning on the way to work , looks like it has blowin off an old car ( 1920s -30s) silver in colourthat was maybe being transported on a trailer or transporter ! be worth a lot to some one !

woody1946, Mar 23, 11:09pm
Got a picture!--then we could identify it

fordcrzy, Mar 23, 11:15pm
beach hop!

gruntabro, Mar 23, 11:38pm
ok will do

gruntabro, Mar 23, 11:48pm
woody46 have you got an email adress

woody1946, Mar 23, 11:52pm
Sure, but can't post it on here

thunderbolt, Mar 23, 11:54pm
Take a photo and upload it to your photos on Trade me.
Open the photo and post the web address in here.

tuttyclan, Mar 23, 11:55pm
Try uploading it to your trade me pictures then copy and paste the link to here.

gruntabro, Mar 24, 5:50pm
iput the photo on my profile

petermcg, Mar 24, 6:53pm
Could be of an older truck

NZTools, Mar 24, 6:56pm
that photo is too small to see.

Go to "my trademe", then "my photos", then "upload photo" once the photo is uploaded, click on it to enlarge it, then copy and paste the contents of the address bar to this thread.

woody1946, Mar 24, 8:55pm
Well done. That is the clearest description of how to post a photo I have seen for a while

whqqsh, Mar 25, 1:12am
I saved the profile pic to my pictures & enlarged. looks like some swages or vents up by the screen, quite distinctive I reckon

unclejake, Mar 25, 7:20am
I agree. I've published it on an alternative forum for you. It's way cool IMHO and I hope your get heaps for it

whqqsh, Mar 25, 10:11am
Thanks, Ive had lots of interest wherever Ive gone with it & many ppl saying how much its worth but few will put their money where their mouth is. Way cooler than a teardrop IMO.
I was going to fit it out as a mini camper & make a folding floor to fill the gap between the open doors to extend the sleeping length then clip canvas over & down from door to door. But decided to leave it for someone else to use as they desire.

doree36, Mar 25, 5:01pm
Be honest - and take it to the police station nearest you - someone will be looking for it - do unto others as you would have them do unto you! If no one claims it - its yours to do with as you will.

gruntabro, Mar 26, 12:00am
doree36 yer a friggingenius , ive already done it , but if no one claims it they can keep !

gruntabro, Mar 26, 12:02am
hopefully the owner sees this and collects it !

lookoutas, Mar 26, 12:31am
Just click Control +++++ or more, until it's big enough.

You could have taken it to Stu Brown in Putaruru - he would have more clues than anyone as to what it might belong to.

unclejake, Mar 26, 12:51am
I think it's in the wrong category mate. Vintage parts/Other is a quiet corner of TradeMe.

kdcentralni, Mar 26, 12:55am
Looks like a Austin 7 ruby bonnet, or maybe a bit long for that!, we found a cool bonnet on the side of the road at the bottom of the kaimais ages ago and put a note in the local 4 square before computers in those days. The head hunter member called us it was off his mustang and he rewarded us for the honesty etc.

trogedon, Mar 26, 1:11am
We found a Mk1 Zephyr bonnet. We used it to slide down Round Hill in the long grass.we're were only about 11 - 12 years old. Fun!

whqqsh, Mar 26, 2:27am
tried putting in trailers ages ago & got a few views but very few watchers, I think most ppl looking for a domestic trailer in that section arent going to be keen in this. Changed to vintage section (after a bit of a fight with TM but they came good) & just as many views but shitloads more watchers.

fryan1962, Mar 26, 2:57am
there was a big model t weekend in thames

lookoutas, Mar 26, 3:01am
And A's too.
Could have come off one being trailered. I didn't realise this thread was about selling trailers.