How much should i be asking for my Car?

ajlaz, Mar 20, 5:16pm
1998 Mazda Capella
Body Kit
Bucket Seats
5 Star Alarm
4 new Tyres
Runs really well
Body in good condition for age

Your Thoughts please!

jokerboss, Mar 20, 5:26pm
quick search on TM suggests around 3k

ajlaz, Mar 22, 2:27pm
thanks for taking the time to reply but i can get alot more than 3000 for it

motorboy2011, Mar 22, 2:43pm
wy ask a question if you think you already know the answer! I vote 3k too. you will find the typical buyer of your model car is looking for a family car, so your bolt on boy racer parts, uncomfortable seats and big wheels do not make it any more desirable to them, and in fact a lot will be turned off by the boy racer additions. on the flip side, your car IS a family car, so won't be particularly wanted by boy racers and such.

therafter1, Mar 22, 2:43pm
So therefore you already have an idea as to what you think its value is !

Were you hoping someone might suggest that it has a higher value than your guesstimate lol

The cars current value is what someone else is prepared to pay for it !

therafter1, Mar 22, 2:44pm
Good morning motorboy, oh, and snap lol

therafter1, Mar 22, 2:46pm
I might be interested in the breast pump but there are lots of cheap ones, is there any chance that I can see it in use lol

motorboy2011, Mar 22, 2:48pm
good morning too ;)

kazbanz, Mar 22, 2:59pm
Its a 3k car and will be hard to sell IMO.
You would be better fitting factory wheels on --sell the alloys seperately and if they are aftermarket bucketstake them out too and fit factory seats. you might then get around 4k all up as long as the body kit isn't ugly

ajlaz, Mar 22, 3:48pm
yes of course i had a rough idea on the value of my car, but i friend suggested i put it out there so i have

henderson_guy, Mar 22, 3:50pm
Here's an idea, sell it, and then report back here with how much it actually sold for.

ajlaz, Mar 22, 3:50pm
And no therafter1 you cant see my gf using the breastpump so i suggest you keep your smart arse comment to yourself!

therafter1, Mar 22, 3:54pm
Oh wow, the touchy keyboard warrior type that doesn't know what a joke looks like nor how to take a joke as the only time they think jokes are funny is when they are cracking them ! . do you live close to any high cliffs !

arrithedog, Mar 22, 3:56pm
Is it certified!

ajlaz, Mar 22, 3:57pm
yes it is

edangus, Mar 22, 4:02pm
Post a pic with proper specs and you might get some more answers to your liking.

ajlaz, Mar 22, 4:05pm
its rego &wof

gmphil, Mar 22, 4:31pm
Must be worth three grand itsa jappa with bucket seats lol

tgray, Mar 22, 4:34pm
I just sold last week a standard 1997 Capella with 177k's for $3000.
Yours is worth more than that!

jason18, Mar 22, 4:38pm
Post a picture man and then you might get closer answers.

ajlaz, Mar 22, 6:13pm
yeah thats why i thought id get more than 3 for it, bcoz on trade me they are selling for up to 5k standard with high kms

tgray, Mar 22, 7:06pm
Steady on!
I don't think 15 year old Capella's with high K one's are selling for that much.
People of course ask what they want, but the actual selling prices are found in the expired searches.