GPS recommendations

moby, Mar 21, 7:16pm
Bought a GPS on one of the one-day sites. Worked out why it was cheap - the damn thing was unreadable in sunlight conditions. Chalk that one up to experience. Can anyone recommend a good, readable, easy to use GPS ! . Availability of Spain and France maps would be essential.

bashfulbro, Mar 21, 7:57pm
Tom Tom, without doubt,,,2nd, Navman.

icemans1, Mar 21, 8:14pm

icemans1, Mar 21, 8:17pm
use search on the left, put in gps and select last year - you'll find about 200 threads related to it

acura, Mar 21, 8:59pm
For NZ i would suggest garmin - as you can get free map updates from I would not touch navman again unless their after sales service have improved. Either way i just use my cellphone (gS2) these days - i use sygic for offline mapping. I tavelled in the UK and france last year and this worked very well - world license (with does not include NZ and AUS!) is reasonable priced.

motorboy2011, Mar 22, 1:15am
if your going overseas I'd suggest a cheap android phone for gps.