BMW 318i redlines early, help!

duke250, Mar 29, 3:36am
I have a 1993 manual 318i that goes well but loses all power after 5k RPM, it seems like the fuel pump is cut, almost like it has redlined but I the techo says redline is at 6.5k, what could be causing this!

doug207, Mar 29, 4:07am
Any idea what motor!
It could be a few things but there were some issues with calibration of the flap style airflow meters.
If you post up your number plate of last 7 digits of your VIN we can find your engine details.

mugenb20b, Mar 29, 4:08am
Fuel filter.

duke250, Mar 29, 5:10am
Hmm, actually I should check that.

duke250, Mar 29, 6:01am
Hello, its an M40, fuel injected engine

saxman99, Mar 29, 3:09pm
Check for a leaky or cracked intake pipe between the AFM and the throttle.

clark20, Mar 29, 4:58pm
Some engines lower the red line when the engine is cold, or THINKS its cold, maybe coolant sensor!

duke250, Mar 30, 4:41am
That could be it as lately the temp guage has been all over the place.