Squeeking sound when starting car

justnewbie, Mar 31, 6:15pm
as of recently i have noticed when i start the car up ( 93 ford laser manual ) it makes a squeeking noise and is coming from under the hood but cant quite pin point it. but if i press the clutch down, even the slightist bit the noise goes away. i could sit there for a few mins but the noise still wont stop until i start moving, its not very loud. any ideas what the problem could be! i searched around and could possibly be a water pump or some sort of belt.
any help is appreciated.

unbeatabull, Mar 31, 6:22pm
Could be the drivebelt is loose or worn.

If you have any CRC or Silicone Spray spray the belt while running to see if the noise goes away, if so you will need to either adjust the belts up tighter or replace them.

skull, Mar 31, 7:38pm
If it is a belt the noise will go away if you spray something more harmless on it like water instead of CRC.

amie10, Mar 31, 7:56pm
Could be an angry mouse!

a.woodrow, Mar 31, 8:22pm
The release bearing for the clutch is dry or worn, if operating the clutch makes the noise go away

therafter1, Mar 31, 8:30pm
Noises are always a tricky one on MB's lol, but that would have been my pick as well.

jmma, Mar 31, 8:41pm
Uumm, Thought release brg would make a noise when you engage clutch, that's when it's working.

therafter1, Mar 31, 8:43pm
Just to elaborate on the noises. If a customer brings a car in complaining of a noise, unless it is something blatantly obvious like a slipping belt or such I always get them to take me for a drive and identify the noise otherwise I find that I hop in and take it for a drive and there are various noises coming from all sorts of places which leaves you to take a guess as to exactly which noise they are concerned about lol. I had a tricky one with a Nissan Laurel that took me a little while to figure. The car would get to about 70kph and this screeeee (hard to describe obviously, but sounded something similar to when you put a blade of grass between your palms and blew thru it when you were a kid) type noise would start . around the outside of the Laurels front screen (and a lot of other vehicles) there is this look good strip of plastic type chromie stuff, and it has some sort of plastic film over it. I don't know if it supposed to be a permanent fixture to maintain the appearance of the plastic chromie type stuff, or if the manufacturers have put it there to protect the chrome strip duringshipping etc and the dealers are required to remove the strip of film prior to sale or what, but that is what was making the noise, the wind was going thru it like a reed on a wind instrument. I have had 3 or 4 more since I worked out the source of the noise and as soon as it makes the noise I now know what it is, remove strip of film and viola, happy customer.

funkydunky, Mar 31, 8:46pm
or an angry bird

a.woodrow, Mar 31, 8:53pm
You'd think so aye.

At idle, with you foot off the clutch the dry release bearing will still make a noise as it is just touching and turning. when you put some pressure on it, it has some load on it and shuts up. Later on, when they get worse, it'll make more noise when you use the clutch.