Anybody else remember Toyota being dragged through the mud over a handful of (supposedly) faulty accelerator pedals or electronic software programming issue (nobody seemed to be able to give an accurate description of what they actually did wrong). That was actually just the USA trying to get market share back from the Japanese car makers by "manufacturing" a defect in those Toyotas IMO.I dont personally believe there was ever anything wrong with any of those cars.
VW on the other hand has knowingly and with blatant disregard flouted the rules and even tricked every customer that bought their product.I know which one I think is worse.
The only people VW tricked are those who bought their cars with the belief that driving them was going to "Cool Down" the planet.
Sep 25, 2:12am
I am fairly sure Toyota confessed and got a 1.2 billion dollar fine, just as GM has confessed to killing people with faulty ignitions, VW are just the next one to get caught so whatever your favourite brand may be. Don't count ya chickens or take the moral high ground it can be a big fall.
Sep 25, 2:17am
The fact that the CEO has stood down says it all to me.I heard claims by a punter on the radio just now that it was "just the engineers and engineers managers" that came up with this whole idea.What a crock of crap.
If the CEO was clean theres no way he would of resigned.
Sep 25, 2:19am
It was clearly a kangaroo court if you watched the actual court footage.GM was guilty as can be.Toyota you'll never find any actual proof of anything to do with it.
Sep 25, 2:20am
How much was GM's fine! I was under the impression it was the equivalent of how we dealt with serco's fines.
Sep 25, 2:21am
Interesting read. Wonder how the "re-called" vehicles will drive after being "re-flashed". Suddenly 20% or 30% of torque gone!
My thoughts exactly, it's obvious the CEO was into it right up to his ears and the heat would be too much for him to handle. It's a crime .that's all there is about it and it needs to be dealt with harshly irrespective of what some folks think.period. That also applies to any corporate caught out in a similar circumstance and there have been those that have in the past. Frankly it's blatant and they got caught out .now it's time to face the music.Errrrm the music is going to be loud as hell folks.believe me and so it damn well should be. The radio thing was I agree was a crock of crap and a blatant attempt to muddy the waters and to completely fog the whole issue.
Sep 25, 2:57am
Nah, ceo standing down is standard business school crisis management. Take responsibility even if you didn't do it, say sorry, stand boss down, fix problem. That's how it's taught to get over crisis and gain public confidence again. (I am not saying VW didn't do it, just saying this is simp,y good practice). It's what Toyota did. Pity politicians don't follow this teaching!
Sep 25, 2:58am
As per last post, ceo resigning is no indication of his duplicity at all.
Sep 25, 3:00am
Yes,I heard something about the French government moving to dissuade buyers from diesels exactly because of this.
Sep 25, 3:06am
Take responsibility!By resigning!He sure fooled you then.The only reason he's resigned is so he and the others left at VW can go about pinning the blame on the manager group that they are pointing the finger at.
Funny the coincidence though isn't it, I beg to differ on that one. I reckon he's guilty as sin and resigning or not he's not out of the woods by a long shot.and mark my words there will be others "chopped" and pilloried as well.
Sep 25, 3:47am
How can VW admissions by themselves be denied by the naysayers is totally beyond me. The outcome of all of this is going to be one hell of an expense for the VAG group, it could actually be a record amount me thinks, the litigation part alone will be be it, I have no respect for any corporate that engages in such deceit. If the expense of litigation and all legal costs etc etc come to pass then I wonder what the VAG warranty situation in future vehicles could be.I for one won't put myself in the position to find out.period !
Sep 25, 3:55am
900 million US
Sep 25, 3:58am
Wow, you are very sure of yourself. He might be guilty as charged, I'm just saying that his resignation is not a sure indicator of it.
Sep 25, 4:06am
Gee you must have an inside line to vag. They've said their guilty , isn't that taking responsibility. Read up corporate pr crap and you'll see that the boss resigning is standard good practice they learn at Harvard and other business schools for the top echelon. It won't absolve him in anyway, he'll still be called to account. I'm not in anyway saying he is not guilty as charged, I am saying don't be sucked in by what is simply good corporate practice learned from many mistakes where doing otherwise didn't work. This has proved to work best. Again look at Toyota with unintended acceleration. Sorry but I think it's you whose sucked in big time.
Sep 25, 4:07am
Have it your way , I still beg to differ.
Sep 25, 4:09am
Big difference between a design fault and intended deceit in my book .the two don't equate. That's a classic "clutching at straws" statement.
Sep 25, 4:13am
Personally I have no problem with what they have done, who really cares if they lied to keep the greenies happy. Surely no one believes all the manufacturers say about any product they are touting.
Sep 25, 4:23am
I said in post #9 that any corporate that does the deception thing and gets caught out should pay the price, I take manufacturers speel with a grain of salt ultimately too and it's up to the end user to believe what is cosure and what's not. But when deceit is in the mix of any product/corporate that is found out and made world wide knowledge then that's another matter and will get immediate negative reaction IMO
Sep 25, 4:27am
Any insight on why GM got fined less than Toyota when more lives were lost due to GM's fault!
Sep 25, 4:37am
I'm not a fan of VW by any stretch of the imagination, but this article puts a different slant on things:
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