Sick of birds pooping on car

inkapuka, Nov 10, 1:10am
In my carport are there any good methods for keeping them out its enclosed double carport built into side of house only one opening for cars .

kazbanz, Nov 10, 1:11am
try hanging something in the carport that moves in the wind.--the movement is soposed to scare em.

survivalkiwi, Nov 10, 1:17am
Buy a smaller car.

morrisjvan, Nov 10, 1:19am
bird spikes on the roosting surfaces.

lookoutas, Nov 10, 1:21am

illusion_, Nov 10, 1:40am
line the ceiling , or some other method that removes any place for them to perch

stevo2, Nov 10, 1:49am
The purlins sit on top of the rafters at 90 degrees, Cut pieces of 45x45mm timber and attach them on top of the rafters so the birds have nowhere to perch.

mrcat1, Nov 10, 1:51am
12 Gauge bird catcher?

bowla3, Nov 10, 2:40am
Had to post this one.

The Centre for Disease Control has released a list of bird flu symptoms. If you experience any of the
following, please seek medical treatment immediately:
1. High fever
2. Congestion
3. Nausea
4. Fatigue
5. Aching joints
6. Flapping your arms.
7. Collecting twigs in a corner of your living room.
8. A significant desire for earthworm pizza.
9. The sensation that you are about to lay an egg.
10. An irresistible urge to shit on someone??

exwesty, Nov 10, 2:53am

boss_hogg, Nov 10, 2:35pm
Don't take them out again.

bjmh, Nov 10, 3:03pm
ha ha I was thinking he needs to try a higher class bird

tgray, Nov 10, 3:39pm

rpvr, Nov 10, 5:07pm
I have ghastly neighbours across the road from me, so number 10 is a daily occurrence.

intrade, Nov 10, 5:31pm
i think the birds did eat my rat poison no shit on awning now under roof, i put some mice poison up there as i dont know how they got in the roof , but hey not my problem if the birds eat it

elect70, Nov 10, 8:32pm
Nail chicken wire mesh under the rafters . I found the buggas made a nest in my garage got in under loose corrugated iron sheet & nested in the soffit .& crapped all over the cars .

shortkiwiboy, Oct 29, 7:21pm
yip dont date her again