A car for life

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gsimpson, Apr 13, 11:32pm
You would be found parked on the side of the road having died of boredom.

sr2, Apr 13, 11:41pm
LOL +1; I think anyone attempting to drive "a car for life" would eventually be found parked on the side of the road having died of boredom!

petal_91, Apr 14, 12:18am
How about the Mercedes G-Wagen W463, from 1990 onward. A rugged off-roader with huge support from Mercedes. Most parts are interchangable on all model years.

next-to-normal, Apr 14, 3:51am
merc diesel

woody1946, Apr 14, 8:37pm
Not new cars, but ones worth keeping if you want something reliable

skiff1, Apr 14, 9:13pm
Mahindra Thar. Dead simple, cheap, and they will still be making them in fifty years.

gmphil, Apr 14, 9:20pm
excellent story thanks for posting

melonhead1, Apr 14, 11:48pm
Cars with an rb or jz motor in their original, un-butchered state.
You'd better have it under 24/7 armed guard though.

brapbrap8, Apr 15, 1:56am
Definetly a case of good mechanicals, but usually owned by monkeys!
Often the RB engines get killed by people doing backyard +T conversions on them.

elect70, Apr 16, 1:49am
Nothing current , they are all made to disintergrate within 20 years degradeable wiring ,wafer thin steel stressed panels , plastics that break up with Uv exposure . engines that cant be reconditioned They dont want you holding on to a car , bad for business & countrys economy . But a defender would be closest if kept rust out of the chassis .

gunhand, Apr 16, 1:52am
Kinda depends when ya die really, could be tomorrow. If that were that case it'll be the car I have now.

phalanax, Apr 16, 1:57am
2015 Falcon GTF 351. the 'F' means final. in 20 years time you will get back alot more than you paid for it. plus it will stand the test of time.

esky-tastic, Mar 10, 9:56pm

Less complicated!