Car Jam report - matched security interest

madj, Jun 6, 9:00pm
I purchased a report for a vehicle which states the following.

'There is a matched security interest registered for this vehicle. Although, there is a data match, please check carefully the details of the vehicle security (collateral) such as make, model, year of manufacture, plate and VIN and the details of the actual vehicle. Another person or company may seize this vehicle to pay off the debt in case of a genuine match.'

Then a list of 3 secured parties and the debtor (which I am presuming is the registered owner). I actually do not quite know what this means in plain english. Does this mean he owes money on the vehicle or has it been listed as a security against another loan and if he defaults then the vehicle is seized? Am sorry for being a little naive for something probably quite simple.

cammey, Jun 6, 9:07pm
Yes, the car has a security interest registered over it. It can be repossessed if the lender does not get paid, even if you have purchased it.

madj, Jun 6, 9:12pm
Thought as much, thanks so much.

intrade, Jun 6, 9:14pm
it means they cover there ass when they say you must check the vin number of the car , if it is indeed the car you want to buy.
then somone has been getting money and the car with this vin number is basically property of who ever gave the loan and can seeze the item at any time they wish. usually when repaiments are not been met to the end.
Basically it is a joke that things like this are even possible in a so called first world country.
in europe you have a vehicle document and you are the person registered on the document as owner of the vehicle and numbers are highlighted if it is a lease vehicle or hasd a loan attached to it.
Not so in new zealand you have to try and figure out your self if a vehicle has a loan and no one is registered as owner of the vehicle at all officially here.

intrade, Jun 6, 9:17pm
Somone should go and take out a loan on john keys car and then not repay it. i would say they would change the law then quick smart when they start seezing the head of the gungesters own things.

tony9, Jun 6, 9:48pm
Why not just write a check with his account number on it, and cash it? A lot faster and easier and no less legal?

joanie04, Jul 19, 8:27pm
I don't think it is quite that easy, and if it was I'm sure it would have all ready been tried.