Another indy car death

elect70, Aug 25, 11:13pm
RIP Justin wilson died from his injuries . The driving standard yesterdays race was atrocious , surprised there wasnt more serious injuries . The ironic part is that it was a flying wheel pod cover that hit Wilson , they were introduced after the last death to stop cars running over the top of car in front .

socram, Aug 26, 1:56am
So sad. I think the last fatality over there was also a Brit. Motor racing is dangerous. Always has been, always will be. RiP.

phlippy, Aug 26, 2:39am
it was the nose of the car that hit him not a wheel pod. and Sage lost control all on his lonesome had nothing to do with driving standards.a case of wrong place wrong time by a mere second.

quickbuck, Aug 26, 6:29am
It was. Dan Weldon on the week that most of NZ were more worried about the world cup of an oval ball sport rather than Oval racing. (16 Oct 2011) Was a Black week as we lost SuperSic #58 on 2 wheels too. on 23 Oct.

RIP to Justin Wilson.

socram, Aug 15, 12:03pm
Just half watched the race on TV3 this afternoon. Can't believe just how many cars were wrecked in the one race. Scary.