Indian 500 Motorcycle Piston Barrell needed! help!
Feb 14, 2:25am
Hi all, In need of a front cylinder barrel, gudgeon pin has walked out and scored bore. Needed for a wedding next weekend, so if anyone has any leads would be much appreciated!
Feb 14, 2:27am
sleeve it
Feb 14, 2:28am
You can get a sleeve fitted. probably. depending how good the metal is after all these years.
Feb 14, 2:39am
Have you tried Bert?
Feb 14, 2:40am
He only gave out the recipe for the pistons. Not sure what he did to the bores.
Feb 14, 2:43am
knew a guy that built the Indian replicas for the movie but that was years ago
Feb 14, 2:58am
Wasn't it a sleeve turned from a piece of weathered cast iron downpipe?
Feb 14, 3:02am
I had the same problem with my MG TF 1250, I had no choice at the time except to replace the pinch bolt and put it back together. At the next strip down the grooves had filled with carbon. Compressions were all even
Feb 14, 3:06am
I think that was Britten who did that, ( or as well as Bert)
Mind you - modern cast iron pipes are centrifugally cast.
Feb 14, 3:08am
I think the running bikes were Ducati powered.
Feb 14, 4:49am
Yep Bert use old drain pipes
Feb 14, 5:21am
From the Dunedin City Council from memory, give them a ring monday morning ?
Feb 14, 6:24am
I need a vet to help cure the constant shit coming out of my rockinghorse,but I was too afraid to ask about it on the net. your thread has given me hope
Feb 14, 6:52am
Hi if you had more time Draganfly motorcycles UK,been there its a cool place.
Feb 14, 7:17am
$225 a set online, last set I bought were $6 each and $1 each for rings from Valentines back in 70's.
Feb 14, 12:32pm
Bert's engine might have had a reasonable bore size. You wouldn't get many drain pipes small enough to sleeve an Indian 500. If I remember correctly the pin circlips were shits of things that popped out. It happened to one I was riding in the 70s. Luckily new parts were easy to get then.
lol yep, but bore it 125 and push a sleeve in will actually fix the issue, done a few of the old 186 engines for the same reason on that barrel it would be a lot easier to do - they had alot of meat to play with
Feb 14, 1:52pm
I saw a bonnie in the early days that was bored and sleeved,the barrels broke off the mounting lugs,made for interesting noise under full load.I guess your indian will be a lot thicker.
Feb 14, 4:18pm
Off topic a bit but spent 3 weeks in Australia over christmas / newyear. Highlight of the trip, driving through the tunnel heading for the airport and and a indian trundled pass under throttle and then backed off, 3 or 4 back fires in the tunnel, brilliant. Smiles all round.
Jun 17, 9:59pm
741b Indian barrels have plenty of meat on them, at a push you can bore then near 1/2 an inch and fit cam-ground Morris oxford pistons, just have to fit little end bushes as they have a smaller pin.
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