Servicing a Car in Napier?

candycat, Sep 9, 12:16am
Who do you use in Napier ? I work in Napier City and I see a garage in Raffles Street. Anyone use them as it would be very handy for me.

intrade, Sep 9, 2:28am
llortmt is a business owner in napier i think

stevo2, Sep 9, 2:53am

intrade, Sep 9, 2:57am
just got to figure where now lol
We could do hot or cold so its not a commercial post.

supernova2, Sep 9, 3:11am
ok good idea
Maybe Onekawa ?

gorgie14b, Jul 14, 8:39pm
I know the garage you are referring to, and used to use them quite a bit when I worked in the Napier CBD. Haven't used them in a couple of years (since becoming self employed and working from home), but they were ok, and the owner seemed to be a good person to deal with.