Car art - spray or print?

farmbanditnz, Jan 27, 8:19pm
Does anyone know where you get this kind of work done? for bonnets ect?

Kind of like you see on some of the boy racer cars and what not, example -

This kind of thing, can't find anywhere that does this but hear about it all the time for the life of me!

Looking to get a GTO bonnet done.

Thanks in advance.

paulap, Jan 27, 8:32pm
There is a woodtuner in waiuku who is a fabulous artist and is into that kind of stuff. Probably huge money though.

a.woodrow, Jan 27, 10:58pm
It's called air brushing

farmbanditnz, Jan 28, 7:55am
Thanks for that, will search for that instead.

jason_247, Jul 17, 11:43am
printed on vinyl and applied. prob close to $500 tops.

airbrushed on by a proper artist maybe $2000-$4000

Total lack of taste, priceless