Unhappy with car purchase

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differentthings, Jun 17, 10:50pm
Why didn't you pay for it when you picked it up or paid someone to inspect it for you before you handed over the money.

tamarillo, Jun 17, 10:54pm
op, what model is it please? If it a midget or open B then 2800 is low price for a revinned car that's going and wof so spending same again to get it good is perfectly reasonable. That the seller represented it falsely is annoying but at price I feel you needed to expect less.
But if it's a rebadged 1100 then 2800 is normal to high price so yes I'd be pissed off!
What model op.

mike1345, Jun 17, 11:42pm
$2,800 for a revinned 1966 MG(B GT? I think I saw it on Trademe) and you're complaining? I think you got a bargain.

robotnik, Jun 17, 11:44pm
Everyone is assuming a convertible sports car, but it could just be a more mundane ADO16 saloon or something like that.

tamarillo, Jun 17, 11:47pm
Yes! Thank you! Op, I ask again, what model is it?

mike1345, Jun 17, 11:54pm
I saw an MGB GT on Trademe recently that had the same story to it as the OP's, so I'm assuming for now that it's a 1966 MGB GT.

2sheddies, Jun 17, 11:57pm
I just did a search of expired listings in the region mentioned , and came up with one likely candidate, being an 1100. similar to the Austin/Morris variant.

zephyrheaven, Jun 18, 12:00am
I would be expecting an annual repair bill of $500-$1000 for any 49 year old car that I couldnt tinker on myself, so $2800 might have seemed cheap (and there is no denying thats a good price) but it came with a few buts.

tamarillo, Jun 18, 12:28am
Ah ha. Well 2800 is top money then. Op should go talk to seller and discuss faults and misrepresentations.

2sheddies, Jun 18, 12:43am
Agree, assuming this is the right car. It is however a huge risk buying any 50 year old vehicle sight unseen, on sellers word and with no prior inspection whatsoever. risky enough with modern vehicles, and as we all know, one persons interpretation of good condition can vary hugely from another's.

OP might have dug a bit of a hole for themselves and have a battle on their hands now with a perhaps uncooperative seller, but it sounds like it was well and truly all done in good faith, and sadly it hasn't worked out.

intrade, Jun 18, 1:25am
its a old pommy crap they where rotten 25 years ago already and wiring will go up in flames dont complain about that they done that from brand new, if you would have paid 28 tausend it be a different story for 2800 you should be glad that its not snapping in half from all its rust. I dont know how you think a 50 year old car would be as magically as new. also old cars have steering wheel play like hell and leak oil and have wiring shorts especially old pommy crap had these from brand new, and su carburerttor are also a nightmare when they play up.

tony9, Jun 18, 1:41am
The problems the buyer mentioned are pretty much what a reasonable person would expect as normal for that type and age of car. Even if it was covered by CGA, unless the seller explicitly said that it was unusual in that it had no rust or oil leaks, a claim is not likely to succeed.

richynuts, Jun 18, 1:43am
There is no description? That is the first sign of misleading a buyer.

obus, Jun 18, 1:45am
It's an ado16! Saloon ,I've been restoring two stroke jap bikes, so my ist forray into uncharted territory , I was really hoping to get an easy old classic, I've had a near new 1 owner Morris 1100 about 25yrs ago, it had minor surface rust, had it repainted, came out like new, so was kinda hoping this the same,like I said, had a good talk over ph before buying it, but it wasn't what they said! And it was going to be my partners car, so was dissapointed, anyway, the body needs work, but it's not rotten,mainly doors ,guards, floor pan is excellent, the motor is good, it just needs new seals everywhere, but at the end of day I was told it's good and it's not irrespective of price , I might list it for 1 dollar reserve, and let public decide! My standards are high, and don't want to pay a panel beater painter, cheers.

sifty, Jun 18, 1:54am
It was listed a few times, here is a quote from a previous listing.

"Seller Comment: This car has no rust was revinned last year is warranted and reg and is driven most days .I have a spare windscreen and a few other parts is a great little car tidy and original paintwork .You are welcome to view in Picton .This is def on the market to sell and is a good fair price .Cheers 8:42 pm, Wed 10 Jun"

Not sure if buyer is expected to search previous listings for info? I do, but that's cos I'm tight and check everything.

tamarillo, Jun 18, 1:55am
Racist swine! How dare you use the insult pommy crap in front of my framed drawing of a Healey 3000!

bill1451, Jun 18, 1:56am
You did not do your homework, you naughty boy,

tamarillo, Jun 18, 1:56am
Op, have you discussed this with seller? Time to do so.

robotnik, Jun 18, 1:57am
I see a listing for an ADO14 down Timaru way, which might be a suitable replacement if you do sell the MG.

franc123, Jun 18, 1:58am
Can we see some pictures of this rust?

nzdoug, May 30, 2:30pm
A buddy bought an old ex military Indian motorcycle sight unseen.
Braver than me.