Tis motoring ( just gotta send this one along)

skin1235, Mar 9, 3:08am

bumfacingdown, Mar 9, 3:27am
Hard case

smac, Mar 9, 4:18am
That's gonna be some tough ol' beef if they keep that up!

purple666, Mar 9, 5:01am
I usually hate it when they put music on youtube clips, but that sure suited.

gmphil, Mar 9, 2:15pm
lol easy way get them to the sheds

dave653, Mar 10, 10:46pm
Cows are naturally curious, but this is hilarious! And yeh. perfect music!

daryl14, May 5, 2:14pm
Reminds me of a random dog at a park chasing one of my old RC nitro cars once years ago in just the same way as those cows. It was funny as. Even the owner was wetting himself.

Someone would probably just call the cops, noise control, and SPCA for dog abuse nowadays.