Ladies don't sit in the passenger seat like a stuffed duck when your partner or husband is speeding and overtaking, to feed his bloated ego. PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN He thinks nothing of putting the lives of yourself and maybe your children at risk.When he puts< His> foot down Put Foot Down.
Sep 24, 7:07pm
Why should anyone risk their lives so someone with *ahem* "Small Penis Syndrome" can prove to others just how staunch/what an idiot he is.
Although, so women drivers are fairly retarded too when it comes to speed. Not as many, but they're out there too.
Sep 24, 7:07pm
In my experience it is the women that get off on being driven hard and fast.
Sep 24, 7:15pm
Ha ha! Touche!
Sep 24, 7:16pm
ladies , when your passenger or husband attempts to " keep left unless passing " be sure to remind him that real men stay in the right hand lane at all times, to move into the left hand lane if its clear is a sure sign of weakness . well at least in clattyland it is
Sep 24, 7:31pm
By speeding, do you mean the ones who pass you on the left whilst you are doing the speed limit in the rh lane?Even though you still haven't told us how you know you are doing the speed limit.
Sep 24, 7:44pm
What kind of screwball relationship is this your suggesting! Are you a marriage guidance counsellor needing more work, or even worse. lawyer? Zip it I say!
Sep 24, 7:57pm
Lol my mrs seems to have a tiny bladder, she is usually the one encouraging me to pick up the pace when we are going somewhere and she really needs to take a leak.
Sep 24, 8:58pm
Sep 24, 9:19pm
Hallelujah we have an answer at last!
Sep 24, 9:48pm
OP, you started this in the wrong list. This is not Parenting, it is Motoring. Here males are NEVER wrong.
Sep 24, 10:00pm
This is a truly sexist post. You are making the assumption that the speeding driver is a male AND that the person sitting in the back seat will be a female. I personally find that suggestion highly offensive.
Sep 24, 10:03pm
Go check out clattys other threads and you will soon discover clatty has a rather different view on things to most other people in the motoring threads
Sep 24, 10:30pm
Just because your mrs got you by the short & curlys doesnt mean they all should .
Sep 24, 10:30pm
I have had male drivers towing loaded trailers, boats even a caravan overtake me on the state highways with their woman sitting beside them looking oblivious ahead like a stuff duck . If I am doing 105 then they are speeding. Women passengers should held accountable as a second party to the offence
Sep 24, 10:33pm
Hate to be pedantic, but if you are doing 105 then YOU are speeding! Maybe you should look in the mirror before you criticize other people
Sep 24, 10:38pm
If your rolling block isn't working then perhaps it is time to keep left unless passing. If passing on the right is overtaking, does that mean that passing on the left is undertaking? In which case, are you promoting undertaking as a safe way to deal with other motorists, or is the fact you are trying to do a traffic enforcers job without the correct training not the best idea? After all, if you're not helping, you could well be considered a hindrance, and we know how most kiwis (regardless of gender) deal with hindrances - many of us ignore them, but you don't have to look far to find kiwis that when inconvenienced like to return the favour and inconvenience you in return. Feel free to dial 555, but taking the law into your own hands will rarely bring about the result you are aiming for.
Sep 24, 10:44pm
I'm going to to take a educated guess here and say those boats and trailers that pass your do so because your are unable to hold a constant speed and break heavily for a slight curve . Me I do 1500 kms a week on major state highways and set cruise so I'm doing 100-102 . Never once have I had a boat or trailer pass me when I'm doing that as a constant speed ( road and traffic conditions permitting of course ). Of course you will deny that you do so as expected
Sep 24, 10:54pm
Can anyone smell gas?.
Sep 24, 11:01pm
Did you fart? A friend of mine says exactly that after he drops one. Catches out a few.
Sep 24, 11:05pm
my old buddy returns .
Sep 24, 11:06pm
Yeah, you got a lot of mates around here eh.
Sep 24, 11:07pm
yeap 6798.75 to be precise
Sep 24, 11:12pm
we have anti phone use laws, cos they're a dangerous distraction and you want the mouth in the side seat to pipe up they should all be on public transport, then they cannot distract the driver with their constant rabbiting on about matters that are no concern at all to them or for them to become concerned about leave the driver alone, he is at one with his vehicle and the road, he needs not be shocked out of his daydreams by some irritating warble from the side seats sheez man her power over the bedroom door is plenty, she cannot handle more, don't go giving her ideas that will end badly
Sep 24, 11:17pm
That many, you should be proud t?
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