Woman gets new car after crash, from other driver

petal_91, Aug 13, 4:39pm
Well this is nice; a Christchurch woman was gifted a new car by the driver who collided with her and wrecked her old car.


brapbrap8, Aug 13, 4:48pm
Hope they take insurance on the new car, rather than thinking the universe will provide next time they are stupid.

kazbanz, Aug 13, 4:48pm
hey petal I know its just sematics but. The woman attempted a U turn in front of the other driver.By the description the "innocent" party bought the "offender" a replacement car.
So its a double goodonya from me. Restores your faith in humanity

petal_91, Aug 13, 5:23pm
In the video the woman says she was pulling into traffic and the guy tried to overtake her. She does not specifically mention doing a U-turn. Not sure if that that makes it any less her fault or not, but it would appear there's more to the story at least.

tamarillo, Aug 13, 5:25pm
News report clearly says she pulled a U turn.
Double karma.

kazbanz, Aug 13, 5:33pm
Either way -doesn't matter. It was a darn good thing they did.

pauldw, Aug 13, 5:56pm
Insurance wouldn't have helped a solo driver on just a learner licence.

petal_91, Aug 13, 6:26pm
They'd still have to pay out if it was shown to be the other driver's fault. The law was changed some years ago to prevent insurance companies from being able to weedle their way out of paying based on technicalities that did not have a direct bearing on the incident.

serf407, Aug 13, 7:05pm

pauldw, Aug 13, 7:32pm
No licence is more than a technicality. AMI say they won't pay unless said driver has stolen or converted car.

kazbanz, Aug 13, 8:09pm
see I have a BIG issue with that.
In my book a learner licence always will be a licence to LEARN. Nothing more or less.
In NO way have you established/proven you are a competent driver.
So you have an accident that wasn't your "fault' in my view your lack of the correct licence has to be taken as a contributing factor.
The very fact that you are on the road has to be a contributing factor.

pureimagination, Aug 13, 10:06pm
Yup and she threw him under the bus by saying the accident was his fault in the video, what she says happened doesn't make any sense, great way to reward someone who done something so nice for her.

redhead96, Aug 14, 12:17am
When she says "he tried to overtake", was he really trying to avoid her?

tamarillo, Aug 14, 12:32am
Something wrong here. She states she pulled into traffic and the guy tried to overtake her, and now the front of the car is smashed up.
Bollocks. That's just rubbish. By her count they're both facing same way, so how did he hit her in the front.
Hmmm. Pity she couldn't just tell it straight.
And as for being on learner, maybe they mean a restricted?
lack of reporting skills as well, surely reporter noted the discrepancy.

bill1451, Aug 14, 2:23am
Dumbarse doing a uturn on Wainoni road busy at anytime, no insurance either, some people are their own worst enemies, always looking for handouts.

trouser, Aug 14, 2:37am
So if you are an unaccompanied learner driver stopped at the lights and a car crashes into the back of you then the damage is partly your fault. Sound logic that property rights should be suspended due to contravening 5 (1,a) of the land transport act.

pauldw, Oct 8, 8:03pm
In the video didn't she say the front axle of her car was broken because the wheel was hit? Easy enough to happen if she sticks her nose into the lane. She then claimed to panic and push on the accelerator. Maybe that's where the u turn came from.