Car on finance

burfs, Jan 16, 7:13pm
and wanting to move over seas, what is the best and right thing to do? can car be returned to dealer ?

curlcrown, Jan 16, 7:23pm
The right thing to do would be to pay it off in full before you go, the dealer might buy it back from you if he chooses, but he will pay you wholesale for it, not retail, car dealerships are not libraries. You could sell it privately and let the purchaser pay the finance company if you owe less than what it is worth, if you owe more than what it is worth you are effectively going to have to pay someone to take it away.

tigertim20, Jan 18, 10:19am
How much owing on car?

Can be sold privately still, but be up front with the buyer - tell them there is still $x owing, so of the $$ you buy the car for, make the first $x to the finance company to clear the debt, and the balance to me.

Could be easier to have a dealer sell the car on behalf and have them srt it all out.

really depends on the resale value of the car right NOW, and the amount still owing.