Hi, Woman backs into my car, nothing major

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jills3, Mar 12, 4:23pm
But I have 3 quotes, 2 in $800s, 1 $900. When I phoned her she said she got her tail light fixed without going through insurance as it only cost $500 and she didnt want to loose her no claims bonus. She said my damage will not cost more than $500 as it was only small damage, hell I am not a panelbeater and got the above quotes. She doesnt now answer her phone and when I leave message to call me back she doesnt. What should I do? I only have Third party, fire and theft, so I am on my own and have to sort it out myself. Do you think I should put it with Disputes Tribunal and yes I have to pay for that. Thank you.

kazbanz, Mar 12, 4:45pm
Sorry but IMO you have been played.
You'll get a bunch of internet warriors offering theoretical sdvice on here but IMO you should take the money. So if she is offering to give you $500 then take it.
You are then $500 better off and you need to find just $300
You might find that the actual physical repairs can be done for $500
then a $10 spraycan will seal the primer until you can find the money to complete the paint job.
Im not saying don't pursue the full repair costs.-I am saying take the money to start with then chase the rest

jills3, Mar 12, 4:55pm
Thanks kazbanz, no the lady is not offering me $500, she said in her opinion repairs to my bumper would not cost more than $500. I got quotes but now she will not answer phone or call me back.

esprit, Mar 12, 5:01pm
Just leave a message saying that if she doesn't contact you by XXX date that you will proceed with repairs to your car as quoted, since it is your right to have your car repaired in a timely fashion. You will then pursue her through the disputes tribunal (in which you will doubltessly be successful) in extracting payment.

jills3, Mar 12, 5:05pm
Ok esprit, will make another phone call and leave a message with a set time. Lady was so apologetic at the time and I tried to make her feel relaxed as accidents happen, but she sure has changed her tune when I sent her 3 quotes, thanks again.

tamarillo, Mar 12, 5:07pm
Agree with esprit and others. Make sure any communication is recorded. Email if possible, if not send letter. You'll need a written trail.

martin11, Mar 12, 5:09pm
Sounds like she has no insurance .

saxman99, Mar 12, 5:22pm

pauldw, Mar 12, 5:47pm
She could have no insurance if she didn't advise her insurance company of the potential claim when it happened.

macman26, Mar 12, 6:02pm
Contact your insurance company. Some with 3rd party cover will chase up a claim for you if it is not your fault and you can identify the other driver

skin1235, Mar 12, 8:38pm
even though you only have 3rd party your insurance company should be in the picture, most will sort the issue without you having to worry about it

tjholding, Mar 12, 9:04pm
If she continues to argue (and if your insurance company can't help) threaten with Disputes Tribunal. http://www.justice.govt.nz/tribunals/disputes-tribunal

Generally they look at three factors:
What happened - Doesn't sound like any dispute here
Who Is responsbile - Again sounds like she's accepted fault
Are the costs reasonable - You've gotten quote from two panel beaters, so I'd say you have a strong case.

Costs $49 to file.

kazbanz, Mar 12, 9:23pm
do you have a statement from her admitting fault?

jills3, Mar 12, 10:40pm
No statement, just my damaged front bumper, and her hand written details and time and date it happened.

d.snell, Mar 12, 10:48pm
Yes, our cars are insured with AMI 3rd Party Cover. It covers damage to other vehicles and property when I am at fault. And also Fire, Theft and Glass Cover and damage to my vehicle by another driver, where I can provide a name of the person who damaged my vehicle.

annies3, Mar 12, 10:56pm
I wonder how she would like to be charged with careless driving ? I mean she was darned careless wasn't she !

skin1235, Mar 12, 11:07pm
are you the other driver?

pauldw, Mar 12, 11:08pm
Often that sort of cover is only if the other party isn't insured.

kazbanz, Mar 12, 11:09pm
eeep--Ok you need an actual admission of fault. without that you have nothing.

lookoutas, Mar 12, 11:37pm
Go to your Insurance Co, and make a noise.

richynuts, Mar 12, 11:55pm
You should checkout full cover, by the time you pay third party, fire then theft there is little difference between that and full cover, AMI also offer freeBmax so anything like the damage you have occurred will cost nothing and still keep your no claims bonus.

fordcrzy, Mar 13, 12:17am
why do people set themselves up for strife. seriously at the scene of any accident TAKE PICTURES! TAKE PICTURES OF THE CARS AND THE OTHER DRIVER. that way they cant then deny being there or "it was my sisters cousin who moved to the south island somewhere" sort of deal.

differentthings, Mar 13, 12:35am
I would fill out a accident report at a police station first.

nesta129, Mar 13, 3:42am
My mate had a similar thing happen to her too,the idiot hit her car in the back as the dude was trying to park.He then speedily drove off but my friend was lucky to get his number plate.
Off to police station they went where a report was filed,police said they would chase up the driver and charge them and also the report could be used to chase up the money needed to pay for damage in court.

nzmax, Mar 13, 4:37am
Sorry a little off topic, but I have had AMI (also State and Tower) quote me for full insurance and third party fire and theft, which I currently have, and there is a big difference in premium cost between the two, Im a 42yr old male with a clean driving history, with a good condition high mileage $2500 car. A couple of people have mentioned that there is little premium difference between the two. Is this first hand experience or just hearsay? Id definitely pay for full insurance if there wasn't such a difference, but cant justify it for the age/value/mileage of car I drive.