Car clicks when trying to start sometimes

familiadude, Jun 16, 1:22am
Hi guys I have a 1994 toyota celica and hasnt had any problems starting until this afternoon when I went to move it this afternoon it just made a clicking sound tried a few more times and it cranked as normal and started no problems. Have turned it on and off a few times since and sometimes it clicks and sometimes starts no problems. Battery has 12.6v when car is off anyone reckon it could be the starter motor?

tool_shop173, Jun 16, 1:23am
Loose or corroded battery terminal

skull, Jun 16, 1:26am
Clean and reclamp battery terminals and all the heavy wire connections to the starter motor. Clean and tighten earth connection from body/battery to motor. Once that's done if the problem returns it will most likely be the starter motor or the solenoid on the starter motor. Could be something as simple as starter motor brushes.

jason_247, Jun 16, 1:27am
clicking is a sign the battery doesnt have enough power to start the car.

one click and then nothing could be the starter not engaging.

multiple clicking is the starter engaging, using all the power, disengaging as the power drops then going around and around in this loop.

The fact that it then starts sometimes could mean its getting intermitent power rather than a buggered battery.

Id first check that the terminals and any earth points are clean and tight.

then id get the battery tested which is free at supercheap.

from there test the starter by turning the headlights on. if its not cranking but the lights are bright then its the starter if its not cranking and the lights dim out to nothing then its the battery.

chito, Jun 16, 1:27am
Starter motor solenoid clicking but contacts worn. As it gets worse you might have to hit the starter with a hammer to make contact and start. When you get sick of that, you will recondition the starter motor to fix it.

familiadude, Jun 16, 2:01am
Went out to give it a go before started after a few goes turned it off and went to turn it back on straight away just got one click so tapped the starter with the mallet and started straight away. will still give the terminals etc a good clean

skin1235, Jun 16, 2:31am
cleaning the batt terminals after what you just told us is a complete waste of time, the starter needs new brushes and possibly a new solenoid
cleaning the terminals will not fix anything, it may not play up for the next week but thats a mere coincidence, before it is fixed the starter will need attention

familiadude, Jun 16, 2:38am
how much is new brushes/solenoid roughly?

skull, Jun 16, 2:48am
We can only guess what sort of car you have, Mazda Familia springs to mind?

skin1235, Jun 16, 2:55am
$24 for brushes if you fit them yourself, the condition of them will tell you if they were the whole issue and the solenoid does not need work, if it does allow another $120, could be slightly less, if you send it in for the sparky to do it allow $400

jmma, Jun 16, 3:11am
Uummm did you read the very first post? (o:

pf, Jun 16, 3:23am
stop being logical . this is TMMB .

familiadude, Jun 17, 1:27am
Ok guys no longer getting the clicking sound and car started fine all day until just now when I went down the road it winds over slowly. Turn it off and try again it goes and catches just. Also when I got hoe had a bit of a play around with the lights off it would start no problem. Lights on and it turns over twice before giving up turn the lights off and fine. Do you guys reckon could still be the starter or?

skull, Jun 17, 1:53am
Plainly not. !

tgray, Jun 17, 2:06am
Replace battery.

skin1235, Jun 17, 2:22am
gotta agree, the batt should handle a warm start with lights on, you should be able to leave the lights on for a few hours before the batt does as you describe, alt issue?, no promises re the starter, but you definitely have a batt issue, new batt may not solve all your starting issues, or maybe it will, time will tell
call into an auto sparky and get him to check the charge rate, if thats all good the batt is ready to chuck

familiadude, Jun 17, 3:02am
allgood thanks guys

solarboy, Jun 17, 5:34am
That battery may be fine but just not getting enough run/charging time before the next series of test start/stop/test start again. too many starts without enough driving time will run even a good battery down.

bigfatmat1, Jun 17, 5:38am
celica will have a gear reduction starter of the nippon denso brand with replaceable contacts probably around the $10 mark. but i would say generally when contacts need replacing bearings need to be replaced or cleaned out and repacked. nb didnt read whole thread

familiadude, Jun 17, 11:28am
I drive it roughly 30 mins each way to work(mostly open road) each day and it seems to be fine after that run but if I shoot down to the supermarket that's when this happens

intrade, Jun 17, 3:46pm
get the battery tested with a electronic battery analyzer so that can be ruled out or not as the problem. Some battery sales places have them now and it gives a printed out report of battery condition on tool.

familiadude, May 29, 6:03am
battery isnt holding much charge so will change that at some stage and go from there. will just park on a slope for the time being and crash start it if it doesnt start