Car taking off on its own

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marte, Oct 20, 6:52am
I brought a Toyota Vista (cheap) and it would not go into reverse at all.
It would stay put in 'park',
Go forward in 'neutral', go forward faster in 'drive',

I topped the fluid up and that made some sort of change but didn't fix it.
Also I find its got no towbar and a chipped windsreen and, well with the gearbox problem.

Sold it to a wrecker, lost some $$ on it, got my current car now, I like it.

intrade, Oct 20, 6:56am
marte wrote:
I brought a Toyota Vista (cheap) and it would not go into reverse at all.
It would stay put in 'park',
Go forward in 'neutral', go forward faster in 'drive',

I topped the fluid up and that made some sort of change but didn't fix it.
Also I find its got no towbar and a chipped windsreen and, well with the gearbox problem.

Sold it to a wrecker, lost some $$ on it, got my current car now, I like it.[/quote
that is probably a loose shifter linkage from your discription

marte, Oct 21, 6:57am
Damn. I shoulda had a good look at it.

And I have to pay $175 for a new drivers safety belt to get a warrant this week.
I got two quotes too. I thought $110 at the most.

elect70, Jan 12, 4:31am
Get a priest to give it an exorcism its got a demon inside it . Or blow it up & kill it