Car wash brushes

ardente, Oct 25, 1:01pm
Do you use one? I'm looking at getting one but wonder if they scratch the paint? What do others use to wash their cars?

tintin27, Oct 25, 1:43pm
I'm interested to know if anyone uses a brush that dispenses car wash when connected to the hose? I have a regular hose brush but just use it to dip in a bucket of soapy water, I don't even connect it to the hose

tub4, Oct 25, 2:09pm
I use a sponge as I've never liked car wash brushes apart from on the wheels.

xs1100, Oct 25, 3:52pm
and on the wheels I just use a dish wash brush cleans them up great

sr2, Oct 25, 3:57pm
LOL; I use a bucket of soapy water and Mrs sr2's handbag dog!

tweake, Oct 25, 4:01pm
my favorite is a soft bristled broom. use something like a fish bin for a bucket and you can wash the 4x4 or van 100x faster than you can with those little car brushes.

pdc1, Oct 25, 4:14pm
this is the way! Just don??

budgel, Oct 25, 4:22pm
For my 4WD ute I use one of those house wash brushes. For the BMW I use a sponge and only use a brush on the wheels.

kazbanz, Oct 25, 4:35pm
We use a big ol house wash brush for the outside of cars.
I have to say its usually NOT the brush itself that scratches your paintwork. Its the little bits of grit etc they pick up. so we wash the brush regularly

bryshaw, Oct 25, 5:45pm
I got one from Repco which retails for about $30. It has really soft bristles, and lots of them, and has a on/off lever on the handle. If you use a sponge and are not careful it may pick up grit and still scratch the paint, but less likely with a brush because of the constant flow of water.

monsieurl, Oct 25, 6:45pm
I use a soft bristled broom and have a huge sack of rags that i use and then throw out after each wash, claybar the Bimmer and RS4 as they need done.

ema1, Oct 25, 7:02pm
Soft wash brush I use on my cars and I only do mine near dusk rather than the bright-hot part of the day as water spots on the paint can act like magnifying glasses and leaves marks on paintwork particularly darker colours.
XT88 wash is the stuff I use, brilliant it is.
Not a good thing to hose glass on hot sunny days either as a neighbour found out recently, rear window blew out with a hand grenade like bang. ouch.

lespat, Oct 25, 7:26pm
This is definitely the way to go. Get a good quality soft bristle broom from a commercial cleaning supply company. So quick.

brapbrap8, Oct 25, 7:31pm
I have a water blaster.

kingfisher21, Oct 26, 12:22am

tweake, Oct 26, 12:42am
i find water blasters do a poor job. really good for getting big chunks of mud and clay off, or for underneath. but it leaves behind a filthy film. a broom/brush does a better job.

stevo2, Oct 26, 1:53am
I use a car wash glove/mitten from meguires. Soft on one side, harsher on the back. Brilliant,

stickman4u, Oct 26, 2:38am
use a sponge

nick91111, Oct 26, 3:05am

xs1100, Oct 26, 3:07am
wow what type of car man that would upset yr day but yes try to wash car either first thing in morning or late afternoon

stevo2, Oct 26, 3:22am
I tried that with mrs stevos handbag dog but it made a ruff job lol.

jmma, Oct 26, 3:31am
That's a tall Tail (o:

sr2, Dec 28, 10:36am
It looks like stevo has a bone to pick with you!