Keen to import some electrodes myself as the price the dealers are asking is insane, $50 for a small bolt with a piece of zinc on it that needs to be changed every 10-15 hours! The engine is a 3L TDI 265hp V6 hooked up to a Mercruiser Bravo 2 duoprop drive. They are made in France for Mercury USA.
Any ideas where to look? My google fu is not strong.
Feb 27, 12:58am might have them.
Feb 27, 12:59am
Volvos have small zinc electrodes on threads, various sizes. And I've seen slightly larger ones in boat chandlers. The volvo ones are from memory about twelve mill diameter and about fifty long.
Feb 27, 1:01am
That sounds similar, might be the way to go to see if other brands use something similar enough to work.
Feb 27, 1:30am
are you talking about pencil anodes in the engine ?
Feb 27, 1:38am
They do say that a boat is just a hole in the water into which you zinc money.
Not sure what a pencil anode refers to, pretty new to boat engines. It is a threaded brass plug that has a zinc rod that screws into it.
Looks like I tracked down the bit I am after on $12 for the complete part instead of $50 here. Also can buy replacement zinc rods online for $2, don't think they are sold here at all. Might be problem solved if I can get them shipped.
May 24, 11:18am
That looks like it could almost work, or at least be made to work. Will see what shipping on the genuine article from the states costs me.
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