The proper way to underseal a new car.

grangies, Sep 26, 3:59am

lusty9, Sep 26, 4:12am
I bet the owners saved hard most of their lives for this mitsi huh. no matter how much u seal it up moisture always has the uncanny ability to find a weak spot and its all over from there.

dr.doolittle, Sep 26, 4:16am
I thought Mitzi's had 10 year cover anyway.

sw20, Sep 26, 4:17am
A panel and paint shop in paradise?

Well I never.

m16d, Sep 26, 12:32pm
10 year mechanical warranty.

grangies, Sep 26, 2:10pm
Yes. But what we do, certainly helps delay the progress of rust.

grangies, Sep 26, 2:13pm
Not on the bodies. And any corrosion warranty on this vehicle will be voided anyway, as it's going to driven on beaches and gravel roads. SO that is why we are giving it a major body structure seal.

mm12345, Sep 26, 2:55pm
Written to exclude basically every mechanical component which might wear out. It's a good read - for anybody who's taken an interest in cars and DIY over the years. I couldn't remember any repair I'd done or had to have done on any new or used car I've owned in the past 30 years that the warranty would have covered - it would either have been specifically excluded, or in a couple of rare cases a serious manufacturing fault which showed up in a very short time from new and was covered by normal warranty or CGA.

elect70, Sep 26, 9:27pm
Rust would be least of the problems . salt air finds its way into every crevice , electrical connectors plugs etc & cause corrosion , nightmare on new cars finding faults . Need to saturate everything with wd 40 every couple months if using it regulary on the beach

grangies, Sep 27, 1:52am
There's actually not a heck of a lot of connection plugs underneath this vehicle. It's a Mitsubishi ASX Turbo Diesel.

Pretty plain car really. Basically a tall and fat Mitsubishi Lancer.

But yeah. I hear what your saying, re beach and salt .

bigfatmat1, Sep 28, 2:14am
Just flicking through the photos. Do you guys paint pools?

bryshaw, Sep 28, 3:54am
Fisholene is as good as anything. I mean you don't see fish rusting in salt water.

grangies, Sep 28, 2:38pm
Hi there. Yep we paint concrete pools. They are usually sand blasted first.

grangies, Sep 28, 2:39pm
Fisholene is good, but does not have anti-abrasion and stone chip restistance.

bigfatmat1, Sep 28, 6:45pm
I just emptied my pool and cleaned it with hydrochloric acid. Refilled it but unfortunately still has some stains from previous owners. Its a marble plaster pool. Thinking of painting. What sort of paint do I use? The pool has a surface area of 50m2 so it's quite large. Any do's and don't s. I have to get fire brigade in to empty. Takes 4 days to fill with garden hose. It's 75,000l so I only want to do it once and do it right.

grangies, Sep 28, 9:59pm
Bigfatmat . If you show me some close up pictures of the stains and also a close up of the plaster finish, I will be happy to advise on a paint system. Bear in mind though, that no paint company will offer guarantees on it's product that are used in a chemically treated pool, as it's too unpredictable. But there are some excellent tough paints out there that do the job outstandingly, and are super chlorine resistant.

beetle1234, Sep 28, 10:28pm
Years ago 1980 ish, underseal was about $69.00 a car, alot of money back then. But swimm,n pools are to be made to fill with water aye,mmmmmm !

grangies, Sep 28, 10:55pm

bigfatmat1, Sep 28, 11:02pm

In the empty pictures you can see the calcium build up around deep staining at the end The scale is gone now I have what are black marks and rust like stains which can be seen in the photos with water in them
It doesnt look like much but makes the pool look dirty.

bigfatmat1, Sep 29, 2:27pm
Bump for grangies

grangies, Sep 30, 2:28am
Hi Bigfatmat1.

Ok, by the looks of your pool its the plaster has a thin cement/pva composite finish. Which in reality, while it looks great when fresh and clean, it is fairly high maintenance to keep it looking clean and a uniform colour.

BUT. If you want to paint it, it will be quite difficult to find a colour that matches the sandy beach look that you have there.

And to do it once and right the first time. it really needs to be sweep/sand blasted to knock the top off the existing finish, so the new paint colour will have a nice abraded and relatively smooth finish to adhere to.

The last thing you want to do is paint straight over the existing plaster, and then have it lift off from the inside out.

To get a long lasting result with paint, the initial job will be fairly expensive ( way cheaper than re-plastering every 5 years though ) . Maybe $7000 to $12000 first off including sand blasting.

Then only a quick repaint every 5 to 10 years, rather than a full re-plaster every 5 years.

I highly recommend you contact these people and tell them you want to paint your concrete/cement pool in CARBOGUARD 1340 SEALER followed by ALTRA-SHIELD 2000 2K EPOXY COLOUR and they will recommend a local contractor.

Remember the words CARBOGUARD 1340 and ALTRA-SHIELD 2000

Altex Coatings Limited
Address 1: 79 Vickerman Street
Suburb: Port Nelson
City: Nelson
Country: New Zealand
Phone: 03 546 8375
Fax: 03 548 2729

bigfatmat1, Sep 30, 2:43am
The acid wash takes away a fair amount of the plaster when done. I used 100L of acid to get the scum off which resulted in about 200l of sand off the surface think it took a good 2mm of it but the staining is deep I am not concerned about the colour if anything a blue would be nicer. Thanks for the advice that place is only 1 min from work so ill pop in and see them.

bigfatmat1, Sep 30, 2:44am
the shallow end looks great no staining brillant finish now. Its jjst the deep end that looks like shit

grangies, Apr 13, 4:24am
Cool. As long as there is no flaky or powdery plaster you'll be fine to paint over. Carboline will be able to send someone who knows.

Altra-shield2000 has a nice standard blue for pools.

And if you don't mind spending q few more $$$ for initial longevity, I would specify that you require the Carboguard 1340 on as a sealant , rather than straight Altra-Shield 2000.

Beacause your pool has never been painted before, the Carboguard 1340 creates a totally waterproof barrier between the concrete/plaster and the colour.

And from then on, your pool will only need a product like Altra-Shield 2000 to re-freshen the paint job.