Concept car of the future

nzoomed, May 20, 9:36pm
Pretty scary if this is what we will have one day, the screens looke like those from a sci fi movie!

poppy62, May 20, 10:00pm
Will bring the road toll down, but will only happen when the car becomes cheap enough for the Rif Raf. That's probably 30years away.

nzoomed, May 21, 12:39am
problem is that automated vehicles are not 100% perfect yet, they are getting there but have been a few accidents, would be great to get drunk people back home after a night out drinking lol

trogedon, May 21, 1:13am
There might be some pimple encrusted boffin who'll program burnouts and drifting every second corner into it. I'm not suggesting that of course.

serf407, May 21, 1:52am
An automated car would probably have alcohol sensors to detect how intoxicated the occupants are and take them to a detox centre or for medical observation/ assistance.
Might be smart road technology that prevents any sort of drifting or burnouts , the vehicle would just be automatically shutdown and reported to big brother if any drifting is detected. (The European crash monitors already do part of this)

marmar1, May 21, 2:07am
What's the point of a driverless car ,you might as well catch a bus.I personally prefer to drive not to be driven .

gunhand, May 21, 2:23am
Its so you (them) can do everything they do now behind the wheel without that annoying distraction of watching where one is going.
Things like,
Cell phone
media player
in dash media
reaching over to passenger seat for whatever it is that cant wait.
turning to talk to passengers.
looking at whatever is that fascinating between their legs, I suspect a phone, but ya never know.
Putting on make up.
doing hair.
looking for item in glove box.
looking out window at the amazing view.
perving at ones self in shop windows.
perving at the opposite sex, or maybe the same sex.
scratching fido's ears as he sits on ya lap
And a hundred other things that distract us from the thing we should be focusing on. driving.
And many of those at 100kph.
And some wonder why there is carnage on our roads.

m16d, May 21, 2:31am
Would it be able to back my boat down the boat ramp. ?

marmar1, May 21, 2:37am
Gee I do most of those things and scratch my balls ,and I'm still alive ,bloody amazing,lol.

gammelvind, Jan 20, 12:52am
It will turn into a boat and automatically take you to where the best fish are.