i always wondered how VW managed to get thier diesels into the USA when other manufactureres like Mazda couldnt get thiers in for instance and mazda are VERY good with thier skyactive technology
Sep 22, 2:38am
Interesting Jazz is not here explaining why they have it all wrong?
Sep 22, 2:53am
it was picked up by a university doing research where most of the test cars pretty much met thier reported emissions from dyno to road cycle. except two VW's. then the EPA started testing more VW cars and they failed miserably also. scroll down just over half way to the paragraph that starts with "The California Air Resources board. were alerted. " http://www3.epa.gov/otaq/cert/documents/vw-nov-caa-09-18-15.pdf
Sep 22, 2:58am
im betting that they were failing the non CARB tests by 10 times and CARB state test my MUUUUCH more than that!
Sep 22, 3:36am
Men who drive mx5's dont like clean ones either
Sep 22, 4:15am
I do { like a clean vag that is }but I got a v8 and do not give a rats about tail pipe emissions
Sep 22, 4:25am
As always there will be lots more info to come, some of it enlightening maybe. For instance somewhere there has been a typo that's got a '40%' increase mixed up with a '40 x' increase. The epa statement says 40x but plenty of reports of differing ages say 40%. I'd guess epa letter is right but it begs the question; if it really is up to 40 times surely they would have put their foot down a year back when it first picked up rather than letting vag try a software update? Could software possibly remove a 40 times increase? That's 4,000% too much? Then it'll be interesting to get results from other cars. And why don't the pickups have to meet same regs (correct me if I'm wrong on that but it seems they don't) . So much more to come on this.
I think that if the software switch can make the car test ok under dyno, then it should be able to software switched to turn emissions on at all times, with minimal loss in performance, but some increase in fuel use. That's "if" how the defeat switch works (only altering selective cat cycles by injection mapping) as described by EPA is correct. However, if they've been trying for a year to do this - without success, then it really begs the question as to whether that's all the switch is doing - and whether the entire engine as designed is ever capable of performing to EPA standard without either major modification or loss of performance. Makes me wonder if any of these engines meet standards anywhere.
Daimler and BMW have announced that they're "not involved".
Looks like the affected cars referred to as Gen 1/2 used different NOx reduction systems. VW cheated with both, and couldn't fix either of them. The "Gen 2" uses urea injection (aka "Adblue").
Sep 22, 5:45pm
You probably would if your car was subject to scheduled smog testing as applies in some US states. Your attitude might also be different if you lived in LA and had a kid with asthma. http://switchboard.nrdc.org/blogs/vjaffee/South%20Coast%20ozone%20pollution%20trends_AQMD.jpg If emissions controls hadn't been implemented, then how do you think that chart would be looking? (ozone levels relate to NOx emissions).
Seems this nothing new! Of note is that there is a clear difference between the euro 5 testing and epa, with criticism of the Epa technique. So it looks like this issue may be restricted to US Market cars.
Sep 22, 7:29pm
The criticism of the EPA method linked to in that article takes you to a US conservative so-called "think tank" lobbyist website which has been been active in promoting conspiracy theories, and who have been funded by the tobacco industry. Just saying - be careful with what you read to try and figure out why they might be taking certain positions. They want the EPA dead and gone, closed down, "market rules" instead. Most other argument against the EPA is that rather than being too tough - they were too slack.
Sep 22, 11:29pm
Umm, so would you take your VW for a Free health check?
Hear VW shares dropped 20% today, thats got to hurt.
Sep 22, 11:58pm
"free health check" translates to "lets get these ECU's reflashed before the S#!T hits the fan here too."
Sep 23, 12:00am
Why not? Shouldn't we give nz importer benefit of doubt?
Sep 23, 12:24am
Do we do emissions testing as part of wof checks. No I bet it's a world wide issue. I guess jazz and the head of vag have one thing in common, they are full of crap oh wait at least the head of vag fronted up lol. Superior engineering appearantly
Sep 23, 12:29am
Too late. I'm sure even if they remap there will be some (no many) who will notice either less power, higher fuel consumption so they are fuucked. Anyway who cares I will never ever own a vw or audi over rated over priced lump of junk!
Sep 23, 1:15am
Yep, just like fords. Eh?
Sep 23, 1:39am
The Korean government has announced that they're going to investigate VW diesels. Only about 5,000 of them in Korea apparently.
Germans are supposedly investigating too.
I think that VW / Audi NZ comments that it won't affect cars here is very premature. He wouldn't know.
May 18, 10:32pm
Our emissions standards allow for a lot more NOx than those in the USA so I'd imagine VWs in this market will be okay.
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