12 tips to avoid buying a lemon of a car

thunderbolt, Jan 21, 4:13pm

More press for the dog and lemon author.

This is about the only line worth reading in the whole article:

CALL THE CAVALRY Before you buy a car, you must get an inspection done by a mechanic.

tgray, Jan 21, 4:40pm
I like the bit about being able to sell a car as is, as long as the new owner takes it straight for a WOF after purchase!

jason18, Jan 21, 4:48pm
Holy crap done of the comments. Saying only ever buy a Toyota and make sure its nz new. Wtf will that protect you from? 1 thing you will guarantee is you will pay the Toyota tax premium

jmma, Jan 21, 7:30pm
Got a problem with that? Lol (o:

monaro17, Jan 21, 8:48pm
What a load of crap- utterly useless information as usual from that sad little weed.

franc123, Jan 21, 10:36pm
Pretty hard to argue against the fact that this individual has some strange ideas about things, the media just suck it all up like gospel and have done for years. How he manages that is anyone's guess, its weird that they treat him like some sort of industry consultant and champion for the consumer. Mind you he comes up with more criticism of Govt policy and industry than anyone at the AA would ever dare to.

daryl14, Jan 21, 10:42pm
Its the same as how that old geezer Dylan Taite used to be the go to for anything to do with music in New Zealand. sad. But then I hate it so much more when we have to read or hear random quotes from twitter etc on the news and in the paper being passed off as journalism. Grrrrrr.

Ps: the fact that you made a thread about it just gives him more coverage and therefore justification to keep doing what he does worst.

gunhand, Jan 21, 11:04pm
Did you read the 12 tips?
I'm pretty sure Ive seen all those recomendations advised by motoring message board posters when buying cars.
Ive said it before, this guy say ALOT of what is said in here and agrees with what many posters have said many times about all things motoring.
So he's a little Toyota bias, you will find people on here who are as one eyed over one make as he apparently is.

henderson_guy, Jan 21, 11:21pm
Best comment of the lot!

franc123, Jan 22, 12:03am
Yes I did actually, so you think that statements like, or words to the effect of "If the CV joints are worn out then the whole car is worn out and should be avoided", and "Buying privately is always cheaper and preferable to a dealer", and the classic "Buying for cash should mean a 10-15%+ discount" are credible do you? All of those are not necessarily true at all, nobody in the motor trade who posts here would say or guarantee those things, and he shouldnt be either. The only thing I would totally agree with is getting a pro pre purchase inspection on whatever you are looking at.

gunhand, Jan 22, 12:41am
Well considering he said none of the above in the way you are saying I will disagree with you. For the CVs he said "probably" to the car being worn out and "probably" very tired. Not, it IS worn out or IS very tired. Can't see the bit where he says avoid it for that reason. And he may be right, it may very well be getting worn out. or not.
And he says "try" for 15% discount, and if paying cash "you might" get more. Not, you will. And consumer NZ said that.
A match stick head isn't a reasonable guide for tread depth for the amature?
Making sure all knobs and vents work isn't worth doing?
And yea, checking for rust is a waste of time too I guess.
And missed match panel colours, ask why if so, why not?
Now I'd disagree with taking a magnet (to a degree) cause i've seen them stick to panels filled with bog. But still if it didn't stick you would wonder why.
So buying on a dark rainy night is a good idea then?
Seeing if it pulls up straight isn't worth doing?
Smelly damp carpets arn't a sign of leaks?
Digital speedo's are ok then and can't be wound back? Apparently they can, ive read it on here.
And ive heard plenty say they NEVER buy from dealer cause their rip offs and if your clever you can score so much better privatly.
I was surprised to learn he was a mechanic in the past.
He also goes on about avoiding euro's, like many on here.
Ive also listened to him on road safety policys, you would think he got them off here the way he speaks. maybe he does get it off the all knowing msg board.

daryl14, Jan 22, 12:48am
I deduce that C M-W is jmma.

vivac, Jan 22, 12:49am
He has a bald head but has sideburns.
Not to be trusted.

tgray, Jan 22, 1:06am
Who named him as the public spokesman for car buying anyway?
So he thinks people should not worry about the legal protection you get from buying from a trader and just go private, even though a full history report doesn't tell you who owns it any more.
You can still buy a car from many dealers and get below private retail prices.
Just look on Trademe!
He is a quirky man with quirky views, but still people are listening.
ps/ Clive, is the TV you bought off me many years ago still working?
You are one chap I will never forget meeting.

franc123, Jan 22, 2:08am
Indeed, and by golly there are good reasons why he isn't a mechanic now, and why he isn't necessarily a good source of information and advice either. Believe what you want to believe.

kazbanz, Jul 28, 3:17am
Gunhand--MY issue is that he missed such a basic part of the process.
That being do your research BEFORE going anywhere.
I genuinely feel that is far too important a step in the process to be skipped.