How can they vary the price so much we need a petrol price board on here so we can get some competition cranking.
Mar 16, 12:44am
Caltex in Papakura $1.68, BP Motorway Drury $1.95, 1km apart.
Mar 16, 12:58am
Well there you go, anyone keen on a petrol post when a good price is advertised, who needs a voucher when prices are good. Wish anywhere on the North Shore would drop prices that low.
Mar 16, 1:11am
Just drove past my local Caltex, $1.949, diesel $1.219
Mar 16, 1:15am
$1.58 gull whangarei,z station 3kms away 1.62
Mar 16, 1:26am
Mobil in Oteha Valley road and the one at the top of Wairau Road always cheap
Mar 16, 1:32am
yep I noticed that when we were in Papapkura last weekend. We were up again this weekend so I filled up before coming back to Tauranga were it is between $1.96-$1.86
Mar 16, 1:42am
91 is $1.99 at Whitianga Z
Mar 16, 2:54am
in taupo the other week the big m in towns price was different from the one out at the old napier rd turnoff and quite a bit cheaper in town asked why and told management of the big M as both company sites and one had less competition
Mar 16, 3:30am
mobile top mahia rd manurewa $1.68 , bottom Weymouth rd manurewa bp $1.82
Mar 16, 3:37am
In Aus, the local radio stations get the lowest petrol price for the day and advertise it - resulting in massive queues at the station for the day. Don't understand why it doesn't happen here?
Mar 16, 4:35am
back up to $1.94-$1.96 a liter in Dunedin- looks like we're being ripped off again.
Mar 16, 7:46am
Town is a ripoff aye, I pop over to Tairua now for my petrol. Just got a diesel tank installed here at the shop as we are now selling it to the general public and thats a mission everyday checking the prices. I did an Auckland trip last week and Bombay's service station was $1.23 for derv - Tairua $1.14 we have always been over charged for years but hey looks like Aucks has taken over haha, go figure.
Mar 16, 8:29am
Petrol is so expensive again, it has gone up about 30c in last few weeks, local caltex did 8 or 10c off Friday (or yesterday) then put price up by 3c the same day. Wellington 1.969 over in the Wairarapa it is 1.869 I can't really believe it is that much cheaper to get petrol to the Wairarapa.
Mar 16, 1:06pm
Just had to put some gas in the wife's car. $1.96 at Z Bethlehem.
Mar 16, 1:17pm
and oil is $44 a barrel, so why has fuel not come down. = greed
Mar 16, 1:41pm
Simple, start a price war. Take bp eg. They are first to put their prices up and the last to bring them down. So, the solution is simple, don't shop there. Eventually, they will drop their prices. Once bp bring their price down, all the others will follow. Guarantee. The whole oil industry is rigged.
Edit: I also want to know why prices of couriers, buses, taxis, didn't come down too. before Christmas. '
Mar 16, 1:51pm
there is a cheap petrol page on facebook
Mar 16, 6:50pm
Diesel in rotorua 101.9 at 3 stations on one side of town all the others are 111.9 or 114.9 with both BP stations at 115.9
Mar 17, 1:20am
Seems to be the companies that use the AA smartfuel card (BP and Caltex) are commonly among the higher prices. Making their money back in a roundabout way aren't they.
Mar 17, 1:26am
Always been the same, although we are much closer in price these days. I've got about the same distance to Whiti or Coro, and Whiti is normally cheaper. I do take a few drums with me if I am heading off the peninsula, normally just so I can get a dose of BP 98. Are you finding your diesel is bringing in more locals? I miss the tanks they took out of Kuaotunu as they were real handy if I didn't need to go into town.
Mar 17, 2:41am
Just paid 121.9 here in Tauranga. Dont know how RotoVegas is always cheaper than Tauranga. Fuel comes into Port of Tauranga then gets trucked 90km to RotoVegas and its still up to 20c/lt cheaper than here. Price fixing in Tga me thinks
Mar 17, 3:48am
price fixing everywhere I reckon.
Mar 17, 4:04am
Shhhhh someone will find out I like the cheap fuel here in rotorua
Mar 17, 4:10am
Hey, tanks working brilliant especially for us as we no longer have to travel from Hot Water Beach to Whiti anymore. The time saved is a major and less mess with the containers. We get supplier pricing so that helps too :) Our customers are already taking to the idea of less travel and its the same costing here so its good so far. Funny, I grab 98 from Aucks too each week for my motorbikes and Porsche as they hate the cheap stuff lol
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