Best black car cleaner?

pohutukawa_, Sep 4, 12:20am
Hi. My partner has a black 2006 Subaru Legacy wagon and dirt easily shows up on it. its his birthday soon and I want to buy him some good products.

Best products to make black cars look there best?

farwest, Sep 4, 12:35am
A most unfortunate title.

pohutukawa_, Sep 4, 12:39am
Anyone know of any good protection products?

pohutukawa_, Sep 4, 12:39am
. I obviously have no idea about cars!? LOL

farwest, Sep 4, 12:40am
A repaint?

pohutukawa_, Sep 4, 12:42am
No its a new, good looking car. water spots show up easily on it.

farwest, Sep 4, 12:45am
That's the problem with dark colours.

tamarillo, Sep 4, 12:55am
Head down to local auto market like super cheap and go for top notch wax and protect product, good staff will guide. Some names would be turtle wax ice, turtle wax jet black (especially for black cats), maquires, mothers. Don't be afraid to spend good money for top product. It will leave protective layer that allows dirt to be washed off easily.
Then buy same make car wash stuff for adding to water.
Then print out a 3 hours work voucher. 2 hours will have car washed, dried, waxed, polished. Don't forget to open all doors after wash and clean those metal surfaces too, inside of door jambs etc,
That leave him one hour left to do what he will with you.
Damn I need a partner like this!

jmma, Sep 4, 12:57am
Meguiars stuff is good.

gunhand, Sep 4, 1:00am
Yes black cars are a pain. What you need is a good polish likes of Meguiars or Mothers There are many others as well all available from Repco etc etc. No harsh cutters unless you want to do it a few times, polish it that is.
Nice clean soft microfiber cloths as well.
Cool overcast day, follow instructions and Bobs ya uncle.
As for water spotting, If this happens after washing you need to dry car off with a good bath towel or shammy.
You could take car to groomer or paint shop for an initial machine polish then you wax it after that.

lookoutas, Sep 4, 1:08am
Isn't it painful when we have to wait until post 9 to get proper answers.

A big DON'T with dark colours is brush type drive-throughs.

pohutukawa_, Sep 4, 1:33am
Hahahaa LOVE it! thank you for your VERY helpful advice! and I LOVE the last part! he will too! hehehe

pohutukawa_, Sep 4, 1:35am
LOL I know! I don't know why people even bother sometimes!?

Thanks for that, I will remember about the brush type drive-throughs!

pohutukawa_, Sep 4, 1:37am
Thanks will remember that!

subac2, Sep 4, 1:44am
Check out Duraseal.
Cost a bit to do, but you /he will never ever have to polish your car again. Just cold water and a chaomis or micro fibre cloth. Guaranteed for 5 years.
. and no, I do not work for them, I've had 5 black vehicles with it applied.
Hope this helps.

tamarillo, Sep 4, 1:49am

lookoutas, Sep 4, 1:51am
I had a plain looking silver Mazda 323 years ago, and I two-toned it by painting the bottom half a metallic black.
Went to Auckland one weekend to give a mate a hand, and his sister & my wife went off shopping in it. They returned at the end of the day, so proud of the fact that they thought enough to put it through the car-wash!

I mumbled to my mate that I wasn't looking forward to what the black paint would look like, and I was right. Their hearts were in the right place, but the black had swirly scratch marks all over it!

pohutukawa_, Sep 4, 1:51am
Hi thanks for that! never knew there was such a thing!? LOL

pohutukawa_, Sep 4, 1:53am
EEEEEK!? Damn! note to self! LOL thanks

whqqsh, Sep 4, 3:44am
was thinking the same. maybe for a few extra dollars a windscreen washer at a main set of lights would be interested?

wsnownz, Sep 4, 4:06am
Highly recommend this:

Rinse your car with a hose, wash with a sponge and dry with a towel. Easy and does a damn good job.

sharchew, Sep 4, 9:21pm
To get rid of water spots dont wash on a hot day and when you do the final wash dont use pressure just let water run over car

clark20, Jul 18, 9:16pm
Thanks for the heads up, bought the Turtle Wax Jet Black and it works well. And can be used on black plastic, great!