Car relicence

korbo, Feb 9, 10:16pm
Received my car renewal vehicle licence in the post today. Expires 13.3.2015.
If I pay it now, does the new sticker start with the day payment made or does it roll over to the 13.3.2015.
It is nearly a month away.

lissa25, Feb 9, 10:20pm
Continuous, so will carry on from expiry date. Just pay until July though as we are getting a big price drop from then and you will not get a refund for paying extra now.

korbo, Feb 10, 1:52am
thank you, I had forgotten about what is going to happen in July.

intrade, Feb 10, 2:09am
a new scam by the government what else do you think is going to happen.
like john keys new bmw will cost almost nothing and your car you probably get 5 cent off because you dont have 100 airbags lane assist automatic parking and all the suposed savety fetures that a car needs to get any real reduction for being save-.

supernova2, Feb 10, 3:52pm
Anyone remember the days when all regos ran out on 30June and you stood in line for what felt like days to get the new sticker at the Post Office?

purple666, Feb 10, 4:03pm
Yeah but I only used to do it once every 2 years back then, had a mate that was handy with a fine paint brush, this was motorcycle labels.

mechnificent, Feb 10, 4:19pm
Ha. we used to do that. recolour the coloured bits and leave the writing alone.

purple666, Feb 10, 5:09pm
Or get a mate to get a replacement sticker and remove the numbers off it and leave your number showing, life was so much easier before computers.

mechnificent, Feb 10, 5:11pm
Yeah. We used to keep one bike up to warrant standard and then swap everyone's rego plates onto it to get warrants.

Life was simple.

tony9, Jun 22, 11:02am
How on earth could you miss it?

There is a notice in the renewal that tells you all about it.