How long does car listing last? Is indefinitely?

mme, Apr 22, 1:40am
I'm thinking of loaning it to a friend to use for a while.

She lives in Leeston & only has very old old car with no heater & she needs to drive to the hospital everyday for 6 weeks. She was frozen by the time she got into town today.

Or anyone know of anyone that can fix a car heater in the Chch / Lincoln / Leeston area? She did take it to a place but to get fixed but it still doesn't work.

I emailed TM over an hour ago but it must be dinner time as no reply yet

kazbanz, Apr 22, 1:51am
umm okkkkk-so first of all car listing if a classified has to be relisted within a set period to keep it "live"
Second--"fixing" a heater could be any of a number of issues.--what year/make model is the car/

rotormotor7, Apr 22, 1:56am
Cant you just keep relisting car but at an insane expensive amount so noone would even bother emailing you then when returned to you, adjust the amount back to be correct?. that or just ignore emails stick with price and start replying when back in your possession?

mme, Apr 22, 2:17am
I think add is an auction. I paid $39. I'm sure I read somewhere when I listed it that I could relist it until it's sold?

I'll get back to you about model & year of the car. I did notice the Plate # started with L! And was a pale buttercup yellow so old old. I think my old car at 1996 is old but it drives just as well as the new 2004 car I bought.

mme, Apr 22, 2:27am
Hey I listed it for week last week $200 less than the price that a similar one sold for with a few less ks & a few less dents. 20 watchers but no one even came round to kick the tyres! LOL

A friend said I should listed for more the first time bc they would be waiting waiting for me to drop the price. They can't all be ppl with 1996 Imprezas to list mindful of me watching the other one before I listed mine.

At least I hope not!

tamarillo, Apr 22, 2:33am
So you will lend Subaru to friend for a while instead of selling it? Try asking TM if they'll let advert be held and explain why. Worth asking.

As for heater, lots of causes and lots of most common cause depending on car. But a good mechanic who knows the car type can fix it,mans since you say it's very old I might be relatively easy to get at parts. Modern cars can have heater core buried in dash and needing hours of labour, but older ones generally much simpler.
For starters once engine is warm is heater hose to heater hot? If it is then is one back from heater hot. If yes then it's in heater, core stuffed or maybe simply control flaps.
Sometimes it's as simple as an air block in stystem and bleeding air out of coolant system will give heater flow of hot water again.

mme, Apr 22, 3:43am
Just got a text back from her it's Hondamatic 1983. Is there any more info I can ask her.

mme, Apr 22, 4:44am
Thank you!

I have emailed but they must having after dinner drinks now. Or maybe most of their support staff knock off at 5.30.

Is their any more info other than it's a Hondamatic 83 that be could useful?

daryl14, Apr 22, 5:07am
How about is there actually a heater fitted to the car or not?

mme, Apr 22, 5:25am
Thanks jmma your virtual chocolate fish is in the teleporter!

6 x 7 are 42 so if we can't get her car heater fixed I know she won't want to but I'll lend her mine.

mme, Feb 28, 10:15am
Trademe sent their reply back this morning & yup 45 days

I'll bump this now for the guys asking for the car details for a possible fix of the heater.