Our car was TAGGED last night.

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trogedon, Mar 11, 7:42pm
My wife left our Libero wagon on our drive outside the gate. I bought it in and locked the gate about 10PM. This morning I went out to open the gate etc (as I do) for her before she went to work and saw purple painted AV on the rear window. Thinners and old rags got rid of it. Harder to remove was the same on one side of the gate. They've done our neighbour's fence too but no where else it seems. I've worked with the turds that do this sort of stuff and caught one the other morning when I was cycling. It hasn't happened to us for years thankfully (I've grown bushes in front of the fence). Hopefully they'll be disappointed to see it gone so fast. I've never known a car to be tagged like that.

toyboy3, Mar 11, 7:52pm
Bought = buy ,

mrfxit, Mar 11, 8:07pm
Whatever ;-)

mrfxit, Mar 11, 8:08pm
Yea mostly bottom feeding scum that can't or don't know how to occupy their time better.

serf407, Mar 11, 8:26pm
Might be a potential artistic genius trying to find their creative space. Even Banksy had to start somewhere.

seadubya, Mar 11, 8:42pm
Obviously a cyclist, who else would paint Anti Vehicle (AV) on a car?

bjmh, Mar 11, 8:46pm
crap its dogs pissing on posts,one of my pet hates is the pos wankers who think they can deface other peoples property.

trogedon, Mar 11, 9:50pm
Cheers for both posts. bjmh I think you're correct.

trogedon, Mar 11, 9:52pm
Creative thinking. but bicycles are vehicles.

seadubya, Mar 11, 9:57pm
We know that, but don't credit the cretinous ferals with intellect, if they had half a brain they wouldn't vandalise your property in the first place.

edangus, Mar 11, 10:11pm
Had the front of a BMW tagged overnight on Melanesia Rd in Kohimarama years ago. In driveway, front was parked towards road. Bright Yellow on Silver. Bastards!

b-rowdy, Mar 11, 10:15pm
My old car ( a most cool Toyota Sera) was tagged all over the left side so I didnt see it until I saw the reflection in a shop window, they got the glass roof, doors and both mags, I called the council and they sent an amazing guy to fix it for me for free, don't take it personally trogedon, I did for ages and its quite upsetting, bloody bottom feeders with no respect yet they would expect the police to be there in 2 minutes flat if they needed them, then would abuse them Police 10/7 styles the next night when they were drunk and stoned out of their minds!

extrayda, Mar 11, 11:14pm
Saw one a couple of months ago Henderson Valley Road area. Tagged across the bonnet.

clark20, Mar 12, 12:07am
I would like to leave it there for a while, but add "is a wa nker" underneath. See how that affects their street cred.

kazbanz, Mar 12, 12:53am
troggy--does it need a buff?

socram, Mar 12, 2:04am
Pathetic. It is criminal damage and I have always thought that tagging of any sort could be wiped out almost overnight if they put every trainee cop on tagger catching for two weeks. Enough time to track down at least one or two, using whatever means they chose.

Then the courts have the taggers cleaning up not just their own tags, but someone else's too, with the trainee cops as supervisors. Oh, and publicise the taggers names and pictures locally and slap a curfew on them for six months.

trogedon, Mar 12, 2:45am
Thanks kaz but as it was on the rear window thinners fixed it. Thankfully the thinners didn't ruin the decals.

trogedon, Mar 12, 2:46am
I was (still am. ) tempted to write "are loser" (or your suggestion) under it on the neighbour's fence.

vivac, Mar 12, 2:48am
You need to add three words.


survivalkiwi, Mar 12, 3:16am
OH GREAT. And another retired school teacher on the tmmb.

socram, Mar 12, 4:37am
Knowing Trog, that 'bought' was a typo and he probably meant 'brought'. He is well aware of the correct terminology but often, by the time you check back to see what you have posted, it is too late to edit!

jmma, Mar 12, 4:39am
He can get A and AN mixed up sometimes, but that's another story. Lol (o:

trogedon, Mar 12, 2:23pm
Thanks SOC I did. Doesn't happen often but no one is perfect, least of all me. I'm not 'retired' just lapsed.

kazbanz, Mar 12, 4:51pm
troggy--I don't talk about it on here but my "number" is a bit over 4k
same bunch of fwits. -Contact the local community policing unit on 2138026. This is the exact stuff they are foccussed on stopping.
Petty crime turns to minor crime turns to bigger crime is their theory.
Also the CPNZ patrol for the area needs to know so they can be on the lookout.

trogedon, Mar 12, 5:26pm
Thanks Kaz. I've just given her a call.