Kumeu car show this weekend

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vjregal770, Jan 13, 1:08pm
Finding an interesting Falcodore is the hard part. Most think some tints and a set of Chinese 17 inch mags do the trick. And a Chev badge if you have a V6 Executive.

twink19, Jan 13, 10:42pm
me to, 4 days will be great

trogedon, Jan 14, 2:09am
You're more than welcome!

gmphil, Jan 14, 10:02am
after reading that borrat all I thought lime green lycra

jason18, Jan 14, 11:01am
Haha awesome

hotrodtodd1, Jan 14, 6:24pm
Havent been for some years now, but almost every year, all the reports I hear back, it that it was worse than the year before.

It USED to be a "mustnt miss" kind of event. People would put up with the long queues because once inside, it was great.

Im not hearing that sort of comment anymore.

whqqsh, Jan 14, 6:34pm
yup, I went 11 years in a row, havent been for the last 3, popped in & did a quick walk around the year before that. Talking to a mate & he doesnt want take the family to get fried due to no shelter in this weather & stinking hot especially with no breeze

tgray, Jan 14, 7:55pm
Don't let the negative posts put you off.
It's still a great day with lots of Yankee iron, (among many others), food, music, and heaps of various stalls and events.
I went last year and the year before that, and thoroughly enjoyed it and will be going both days.
If you see a red 2014 C7 Stingray, come and say hi!

trade4us2, Jan 16, 8:50pm
Well I won't be going again. The traffic management was abysmal. At 1pm it took 40 minutes for the leaving queue to go 100 metres. At 2pm I got out of the carpark.

tgray, Jan 16, 9:45pm
I set the alarm for 5am, go there today at 6am, had a nice chat outside for an hour with fellow early birds and got in and was parked 10 mins after the 7am opening time.
Left at 3pm and was straight out without any delays (went alternative route around the back).
More cars than last year.
Highlight for me? Seeing a genuine 2006 GT40 (they go for around $250,000 USA at present) and are super cool.
Going back tomorrow.

trogedon, Jan 16, 10:28pm
Saw some cool cars coming and going from there. Best - Studebaker with bug catcher and matching caravan.

vjregal770, Aug 2, 1:19pm
Not sure I'd cite weather and traffic as reasons never to return. It's mid-summer in Auckland in a big open field, which means hot, humid and sod-all shelter. Which it was.

And short of banning all traffic within a 2 mile radius of the grounds, I'm not sure how entry and exit can be made any faster. I sure as hell didn't envy the folks with the flags!

Just my $0.02