The latest crash red car crossing center line?

intrade, Dec 1, 2:53pm
they keep telling its a foreign driver , the car has written on the side rual delivery nz post. Something dont makes sense are they rasist ? and the citizan was originally forgein or what exactly? something dont adds up here.

rsr72, Dec 1, 2:58pm
The Asian tourist was driving the other red car, Corolla, and hit, involved, two other cars as well as the poor motorcyclist.

socram, Dec 1, 3:03pm
Crossing a double yellow line is inexcusable. Foreign driver or not.

rsr72, Dec 1, 3:20pm

tamarillo, Dec 1, 4:39pm
Hope the driver is locked up and made to pay mega to motorcyclists family.

tigra, Dec 1, 4:52pm
And of course quite illegal, used to be mandatory loss of licence

tgray, Dec 1, 5:36pm
I think if you go to rent a car and you don't hold a NZ licence, you should go into a booth with some headphones and watch a 5 min video on rules of NZ driving.
Better than ticking boxes to say you are familiar with the road rules. Of course people are going to tick the yes box. They don't want to risk their rental contract being cancelled before they even begin.

kiwitrader43, Dec 1, 10:59pm
The airlines should be showing an information bulletin while on approach after movies turned off. Even at beginning of movies/games or at intervals.
Education is the key.

exwesty, Dec 2, 2:13am
The tourist should have travel insurance with public liability attached. I wonder if that can be claimed against.

The rental car company should also have public liability insurance as their actions in renting a vehicle to an incompetent driver placed others at risk.

I wonder what Worksafe make of the rental car companies actions and training? Is there culpability?
If I hired a cherry picker from the local hire centre and fell off it, Worksafe would be asking questions so why not for a rental car outfit?

pico42, Dec 2, 2:23am
How would public liability insurance carried by the tourist help in this case? It was a motor vehicle incident.

lugee, Dec 2, 2:39am
I don't think knowing the rules will do squat really. Most (all? of the recent ones I can think of) were caused by plain stupidity or recklessness (crossing centrelines and leaving the road) or just plain disregard for the rules (the Dutch guy that ignored the stop sign).

Centre lines and stop signs are the same worldwide, and the same rules apply to them.

socram, Dec 2, 3:05am
I don't disagree, but the same needs to apply to the inbound flights in every country in the world. Most countries drive on the right, but there is a standardised set of international signs.

How do Kiwis get on driving in the Arab countries for example, or China, or Russia, where even the script is alien? Do they show videos when you hire a car?

Even in English speaking countries, there are law differences. Isn't it now illegal in some to eat whilst you are driving?

In the USA, can't you turn left on a red traffic light, as long as you come to a stop?

Aren't the roundabout rules different in (some) Continental countries where the traffic in the roundabout has to give way to traffic entering?

I'd love to know what percentage of travelling Kiwis renting cars are involved in accidents, compared with other nations. This may or may not be a huge international problem as I really can't see NZ being the only country with these issues.

jonesy62, Dec 2, 5:12am
Think it's turn right in the states, socram, otherwise you would be facing the oncoming traffic

westwyn, Aug 9, 4:23am
They do. It's in five or six different languages, too- around 15 minutes or so IIRC. Just been flying tonight, saw them all on the TV section of the AV menu.