I've got an approximate price for a new Tow bar, including fitting, for a Honda CRV, of $800.00. Is that about right? It's a long time since I had a tow bar fitted
Jan 9, 11:46pm
Had one put on a 1996 CRV a few years ago, $320 including trailer plug wiring. Latest one on an Accord last year was similar. $800 sounds expensive.
Jan 9, 11:46pm
What year CRV? That's quite expensive if it's an old school setup, but if it requires a dedicated wiring loom (not just a universal bypass relay) that could be quite cheap. Was this a dealer price or a "towbar place" price? Dealers can be extortionately expensive for towbars sometimes. If it does require a dedicated loom it's essential that you use one and not let some cowboy butcher something up, doing so may cause thousands of dollars of damage to the car or worse still put you in the ditch depending on the vehicle and what it's equipped with. Also. those nice looking detachable towars can be quite a lot dearer than the cheaply fabricated "fixed" units as are common place from local towbar manufacturers.
Jan 9, 11:50pm
$320ish is still the going rate for a basic locally made towbar on an old school vehicle like the one you described.
Jan 9, 11:50pm
Sounds expensive if it is an old car, but cheap if it is a later model car. Many late model cars cost thousands to install a towbar on.
Jan 9, 11:52pm
2013 vehicle
Jan 9, 11:53pm
Just ask around the wreckers.
Jan 9, 11:54pm
Sorry, didn't see your other question - From a dealer
Jan 10, 2:08am
ask the guys at BNT they might be able to put you onto some one else or theres that guy that does trailers down the bottom of the hill besides the railway tracks he might be worth a crack
Jan 10, 4:34am
All the while you vehicle is still under warranty you should be fitting the Honda approved tow pack, simple as that, the difference in price isn't much on the scheme of things. If it was much older and you weren't going to ask much of it then by all means go aftermarket. If you were extraordinarily lucky you might get a genuine bar much cheaper off one that's been written off due to front or side damage, this would be the second best option.
Jan 10, 3:27pm
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it.
Jan 10, 3:32pm
daze-The price I pay for towbars fitted and wired on a car no matter how old/new is $450. Where it gets expensive is electrically connecting it to the car.In simple terms newer cars often need "gizmo's" fitted so the trailer lights work properly. I COULD get a cheaper towbar and closer to work too but saving $100 or so on something that NEEDS to be strong really is the worst kind of false economy
Jan 10, 3:41pm
I was quoted about $550 (from memory) from Honda, for a towbar fitted to a 2011 CRV. So the $800 price might need some negotiation with the company.
yes because they have a supply agreement with all the franchises,also the OP is down whanganui by the looks
Jan 10, 9:07pm
Probably need to get a factory one if your vehicle is still under warrentee .Otherwise you could be turned down on a claim for a fault . I see best bars say 1500kg braked max .
Feb 14, 12:37pm
not just yr factory warrenty to worry about remember yr own insurance mind you 1500 kg on what could be a FWD car is pretty good is it front wheel drive or 4wd
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