VW Radial engine

nzangel1, Feb 5, 7:45pm
A guard over the rear I would think could be a good idea.

johotech, Feb 5, 8:00pm
Probably have even worse cooling problems than the original engine. Unless they drive it constantly at a couple of hundred miles per hour.

skiff1, Feb 5, 8:06pm
Bet the steering is nice and light.

nzangel1, Feb 6, 3:02am
Would like to see it in motion.

mojo49, Feb 6, 2:14pm
Only in the US of A!

whqqsh, Feb 6, 2:19pm
There used to be a Ford V6 (& they're bloody heavy, I had one in my old Ford Pop) sticking out the back of a VW driving around Aucks many years ago, I thought that was heavy enough

elect70, Feb 6, 9:12pm
I would have thought a hot Porsche donk& transaxle would be the way to go . . Seem to recall there was a Karman Chia that used to drag race at MM several years ago

gsimpson, Feb 7, 2:14am
Better execution of radial engine

trogedon, Feb 7, 2:29am
The originals almost never had cooling problems.

whqqsh, Jul 1, 6:03pm
that just rocks. one of the ugliest cars to do it with (probably adds to the uniqueness) but still awesome