I have a 1995 Toyota Tercel hatchback 1.3 automatic (similar to Corolla II) that's done around 212,000 kilometres.Lately I've noticed one or two times when I start her up in the morning, the engine shudders until I drive her up the road and then the shuddering stops.Tonight however I started her up and along with the shuddering, there was a strong smell of petrol and I thought I could see a small amount smoke/steam coming from the bonnet (it was dark, couldn't really see much).Turned it off as I was worried, then started her up again and it looked to be okay.ANy ideas on what this could be!Was reading somewhere spark plugs but have just had them replaced in a recent service.
Jan 22, 9:00am
could be running on 3 or if its carby chokes sticking
Jan 22, 9:42am
No carby, she's fuel injected.Hmm. running on 3!Sorry, can you elaborate please! :)
Jan 22, 9:48am
"Shuddering engine on startup and smell of petrol"
Man my 327ci chev does this, your tercel must be really powerful to have that effect.
Jan 22, 9:52am
Or really broken!
Jan 22, 10:08am
Running on 3 cylinders instead of 4. How long since last service including tune up!
Jan 22, 10:12am
Service was done mid October 2011
Jan 22, 10:36am
Oil and filter change or service including tune! Either way, sounds like it is dropping a cylinder at start up. Could be a faulty plug, lead, vac leak, water in the cyl from a head gasket leak etc. You will need to get someone to look a bit further for you.
Jan 22, 5:37pm
Fuel filter!
Oct 18, 11:42am
thunderbolt - I'm not sure to be honest, I know he did the oil and filter change, but also replaced the spark plugs as they were looking quite old but not sure if it got a tune up.Okay so its sounding like it could be something quite serious - I'll take it back to the mechanic and get him to have a look.Thank you VERY much for all your responses :)
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