New tyre recommendations

gee_funk, Sep 22, 3:29am
Am looking to purchase 4 new tyres for a mazda atenza station wagon 2006. Have been recommended several different tyres - GT Radial 128, Michelin XM2, Goodyear Optilife, Bridgestone My02 and Firestone TZ700. Have also seen the Goodlife triplemax. help!

tamarillo, Sep 22, 3:40am
First five are well known established tyre makers with huge r&d and good reputations.
Good life is cheap Chinese shit. (Now I'll be abused and told they're as good as ultra premiums)
Unless you have very specific needs choose best deal, back up, and service offered from the players close to you with those first major names.
Ask which tyres are suited to NZ coarse chip noisy road surface, especially if you drive rural roads.
Personally I like the Goodyear, but have had great runs with Firestone and bridge stones too! Michelins are usually too expensive here.

-bookzone-, Sep 22, 3:48am
I'm happy with the GT Radials I put on my Mazda wagon.

nick91111, Sep 22, 4:05am
Bridgestone RE003

cagivachick1, Sep 22, 5:20am
what are the Bridgestone Potenza's like?

mack77, Sep 22, 6:12am
The only tyre mentioned in that list that has a good performance rating is the GT Radial 128 although it's been superseded by an improved version called the ''228". There are other tyres with even better performance ratings but they're not on your list.

pandai, Sep 22, 11:07pm
Depends on your driving style. I just put a set of Michelin Primacy 3 ST's on my car and so far so good, they were $219ea for 205/60/16

gee_funk, Sep 23, 2:44am
My specs are 195/65/15. Driving daily around Auckland, not too heavy on the gas pedeal. not sure how else to describe my driving

stevo2, Sep 23, 2:54am
To be honest, any of the first lot will be fine for your Atenza and your driving style. Even some of the cheaper Asian tyres would be fine if you drive like a nana.
I put a set of Kingstar SK10 on my Axela and I honestly couldnt tell the difference between them and the GT radials I had on there previously except they were quieter than the GTs.
Depends how much you wanna spend.

tamarillo, Sep 23, 2:57am
Agree with first sentence but not second. One day, when you need to avoid or brake suddenly you'll be glad for good tyres.

geordiemotors, May 16, 9:37pm
Pirelli are my favourite. Second are Yokohama, third Kumho. I don't drive on anything else. Tyres are black, round, with a whole in the middle, they look the same, however they are vastly different. Generally people hate buying tyres, for the educated, Tyres are their best insurance policy. Safety First!