Off to the South Island on Saturday for a week. Forecast shows it will be wet for part of the week. Has anyone tried Rainex on their helmet visor? Not even sure if it is okay to apply to visor plastic?
Mar 20, 1:10am
Yea, I read that it may not suit some plastics. I have/do put a coat of normal car wax on mine and find it does the same thing.
Mar 20, 1:13am
Yeh, but doesn't seem to last long. Magic for the first half hour, then wears of pretty quick. I use Fog Off on the inside as well.
Mar 20, 1:13am
excellent idea gunhand! Why didn't I think of this? Hmmm less red wine and maybe more brain cells?
Mar 20, 1:41am
Try some Pledge . Cant confirm how long it lasts in the rain as i am always cleaning bloody bugs off the visor
Mar 20, 1:50am
You can always tell a happy motor bike rider, by the Bugs On His teeth. Smile.!
Mar 20, 4:21am
Main things i found helped were keeping the visor scratch free and clean, that is when I eventually got around to having one that is
Mar 20, 4:41am
rainX works. just follow instructions . i always removed the visor from helmet, remember test spot see if eats the visor. i had agv reverse wayne rainy , yeah going back abit both dark n clear visor weren't affected by it , lived in southland at the time for many years. Thought there might be better stuff out there by now like a muckoff , catcrap is what i use on motocross googles . have fun, watch for gravel n possums and i hear tourists are trouble, ride smart
Mar 20, 1:49pm
I have given the visor a polish with car wax. seems to have smoothed out some small scratches as well. I will pack the rainex with me in case the West Coast lives up to expectations! hmmmm Lewis pass, Haast pass, Arthurs pass, Might sleep at the ferry terminal tonight LOL Fourth south Island tour in as many years and just can't wait! Noted tourists ( and Kiwi drivers ) on the wrong side of the road!
Mar 20, 2:17pm
Yes, this is what I do and its works better than any other repellent I have ever used. Although not tried Rainex, not really inlined to.
Mar 20, 5:10pm
West coast = sand flys and rain so will report back how the car polish works out. If nothing else should make the bug splatter easier to clean off. It is amazing how often within 100 metres of cleaning your visor something the size of a Moa decides to commit suicide between your eyes!
Mar 20, 7:36pm
Cat Crap is what you need (buy it at good motorcycle shops) or failing that use Pledge furniture polish. If you hit rain (especially light drizzle that sticks to the visor rather than runs off) just turn your head slightly one way or the other to help the rain bead off. I find car wax tends to scratch the visor and makes oncoming car headlights really dazzling at night, especially if its a bit foggy or misty.
Pledge works well on car windscreens too if your wipers ever fail.
Mar 20, 9:20pm
Just be careful out there young dingo, specially if heading over the Takaka Hill, two bikes down this week up there, needing emergency services, not sure how the one today faired.
Mar 20, 10:22pm
Enjoy the ride , how far north are you heading . Been quite a few bikes up my way this week & a Vintage tractor convoy , you may pass them tomorrow .
Mar 20, 11:00pm
Huh? " Fourth south Island tour"
Mar 20, 11:13pm
Say what ? .
Mar 20, 11:22pm
Sorry. Xed purposes there, forgot you considered Westport north, was thinking north was like where the ferry ended up after leaving south
Mar 20, 11:27pm
If one used a wax with any kind of cut to it well yes it may well cause issue. A spray on wax would be the go.
Mar 20, 11:38pm
I am 100km North of Westport , that's why i ask . No rain here yet .
Mar 21, 12:43am
Have you looked at a visor insert? Some helmets have them as accessories (eg pin lock) but you can get generic ones. They do work preventing it fogging up. And they last. Ps, I was in chch this am and it was bloody cold, came right but not till after lunch. If you have taken bike on ferry, do take plenty good tie downs. Bikes do fall over!
Mar 21, 12:48am
Must be a drought your having! Had some wet over Takaka Wed night but dried out yesterday
Mar 21, 1:56am
just had 2 weeks down there in Feb, on an adventure bike. Absolutely brilliant ! Did a few tracks on the way down, heavy rain through Lewis Pass, stayed at the Maruia Japanese hot springs hotel, beautiful, did the Nevis road, then up the gravel road to Walter peak Station and put the bike on the Earnslaw back to Queenstown. Covered 6000kms in total with only 2 days of rain, one of them through Dansys Pass, freezing cold and wet.
Mar 21, 2:33am
I use the "old pledge trick" --ohh and your lid smells lemon fresh for hours
Apr 18, 11:09am
another tick for pledge micro fibre cloth to polish
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