Just curious, new car pre delivery servicing?

dinx, Oct 6, 8:58pm
Just curious from those in the know. Someone we know has purchased a brand new car which was delivered to dealership in a under a week (was also a discount on that colour so I guess a cancelled corporate order as they had a about a doz in that colour) from but they can't pick it up knowing its sitting there doing nothing.

Dealers service division is backed up and always has to be booked at least a week in advance and apparently it needs about 6 hours labour for the pre-delivery service which its still waiting for? Been well over a week since car arrived now I think but they are still waiting and its still not been done.

Is it just me or should they be bloody furious and a complaint lodged with the head office? I would be livid and would have walked by now if I was spending that much, even if that meant going out of town for it.

PS, its not Wgtn and I'm not saying the brand except its a major Japanese as its not my car and if I say the area it would identify the dealer.

dinx, Oct 6, 9:02pm
Think they would be less mad had they been told it will take about 2-3 weeks rather than it will be here X date then to be told its arrived but you can't have it yet because we are backed up in the service dept. Moron sales dept, how to wind up your customers lol.

m16d, Oct 6, 10:50pm
Well I guess it's all paid for,so the dealer won't be in any hurry now.

gpg58, Oct 6, 10:58pm
sounds like a slack salesman or dealership to me, why did he not book it in when he sold it?, knowing it would take a week to arrive he should have made a booking for say 10 days time. I got my new navara 2 years ago, on the date agreed on sale.(including fitting canopy and tow/bull bar and deck liner and roof racks)

dinx, Oct 6, 11:03pm
I'm not sure it is actually, their response was its been a very busy month but I would expect you book in with the service dept when you arrange delivery to the dealership knowing service has a week delay and transport doesn't take that long.

I've never had a new car, but I would have expected they generally treat you a little better when you spend that much moolah for new and a higher spec model they choose than haggling over the cheapest on the yards like I looked at.

dinx, Oct 6, 11:08pm
I think its slack dealership tbh but they unfortunately have the local franchise there, even head of sales told them sorry but thats they way it is and everyone is waiting at the moment. I get that it needs service but don't tell them a week when its likely gonna be three at this rate.

darryl, Oct 7, 4:44am
I've bought a few new cars and they have always put it through and had ut ready on time and within a few days of it being delivered to the dealer. Regardless of how busy the service division is.

franc123, Oct 7, 5:08am
They didn't order any accessories to be fitted at the same time by any chance? Holdups with those are very common depending on where they come from and who is supplying them, the national parts warehouse can easily get caught out if there is a run on what would otherwise be a slow moving part that they will have low stock levels of. Even so the customer should be informed and it shouldn't stop the rest of the job being started, and possibly finished and the car returned at a later date or at the first service for fitment. I would expect a call on the morning of the 5th working day at the latest if I was told it would be a week.

dinx, Oct 7, 5:38am
No accessories as far as I know of, unless they got window shields or headlight covers. Over the years they have had several new cars of their preferred brand too but this is the first time they have encountered this. But I'm not sure this particular dealer held the franchise last time they got a new one.

franc123, Oct 7, 6:34am
I was suspicious about the time estimate that's all, 6hrs sounded like a PDI, WOF, fit plates, fuel up and road test, a set of floor mats and a towpack fitted, assuming it was a straightforward fitting one. Plus a final groom of course. Depending on what the manufacturer says it may also require a wheel alignment check at PDI too, which may or may not be done in house.

tony9, Oct 7, 5:49pm
Good to see the dealership putting their existing customers ahead of new customers. However it does look like the sales dept has not set a good expectation, or is just slack.

tony9, Oct 7, 5:51pm
But most of that could be done by a groomer/funky. Should need no more than 2 hours of workshop time and under the circumstances, sales could pay overtime.

tamarillo, Oct 7, 7:14pm
Yeah they should get assertive.picked up a few new cars and never had any fluffing around.

whqqsh, Oct 7, 7:32pm
We just bought a new car, signed it up on Sat morning picked up Friday arvo with them apologising at great lengths that it wasn't ready Thursday, or maybe even Wednesday if we were lucky, like they first said. No worries, Andrew Simms, Botany, great service (they even didn't silicon the tyres as requested), nice car

elect70, Oct 7, 9:34pm
Dont complain , when i bought my 1& only new car ( bluebird SW in 1982 ) it was ready for me 2 days after signing the papers . lots of niggling issues &went back several times to fix things pre delivery should have done . Dout it had actually had check . Turned out to be a lemon .

franc123, Oct 7, 11:19pm
You don't know what vehicle it is, people who work outside the industry would be surprised at what has to happen during these tasks and how specific PDI procedures are these days. Manufacturers have tightened up on making sure they are done properly too. It has to be allocated to someone who knows what they are doing, even trailer harnesses have to be programmed in now.

dinx, Oct 8, 5:35am
Apparently they got it today and another apology with flowers and wine after delays. Not new customers actually, just existing ones upgrading old car. Will see them soon so will see what extras if any they got. Apparently they gave the line all new vehicles need 6 hrs and they have sold a lot recently. Not sure I believe them either.

stevo2, Oct 8, 12:01pm
I've bought 4 brand spankers over the years, they've all been in stock and if they haven't had extras fitted they were available the next day. My van had several accessories fitted and took 4 days.

pandai, Mar 7, 11:31am
Depends on the dealer, as an example, Honda don't keep new stock at the dealers, all of the new cars are stored in Nelson and you have to order them in. The accessories are all fitted at Nelson before the car is shipped to the dealer, who will then send it out for grooming. I would imagine the 6 hours mentioned above includes grooming/machine polishing and waxing as well.