How to swivel Granvia seats?

muzz67, Jan 23, 3:11pm
got a smallish lever on both front seats, how-ever no amount of pushing/pulling seems to result in any movemevt. Tried seats fully forward and back etc,, nothing. Any advice appreciated, Muzz.

whqqsh, Jan 23, 3:26pm
never had much to do with them but if they don't meet Kiwi regs could they have been made to not swivel (Bolted, tack welded etc)?

kazbanz, Jan 23, 3:47pm
muzzz--do you mean drivers seat or the row directly behind?

mugenb20b, Jan 23, 4:23pm
Try reclining it forward all the way first.

afer_daily, Jan 23, 5:03pm
the yanks used to call them captians chairs

muzz67, Jan 23, 5:16pm
No Kaz, drivers and passengers front seats both have the lock buttons on them. I only assume they both are actually capable of swiveling tho.

muzz67, Jul 25, 9:05pm
Ha, got it sorted! Seat base forward, seat-back forward(Thanks m20b),
as soon as it unlocks, slide base back and turn towards door.