Whom wants to learn car repairs

intrade, Jun 1, 8:11pm
whom has whached the 30 minute video i posted in the last link?

I have one more to share the thing is 2h 45 minute long about cooling systems and latest technology from the developer of gates,
now i know all you swaptrons know Who Gates is and i doubt anyone will say that the guy developing for gates is on drugs its more like you are if you make this claim i would guess.
Hybrid technology ford ecoboost . procedures how vast its different from old vehicles and how little room for error there is and why all on this in extreem details.

differentthings, Jun 1, 8:26pm
Is his first name Bill?.

upnorth, Jun 1, 8:31pm
Maybe Waste?

intrade, Jun 1, 8:37pm
dont be stupid now you know of gates belts if you ever changed fanbelts and cambelts.

differentthings, Jun 1, 9:14pm
WOw, no sense of humor today. Time to take some happy pills.

differentthings, Jun 1, 9:15pm
Or it could be Mr farm gate maybe.

noswalg, Jun 1, 9:19pm
Why do you feel you need to keep starting new threads about the same topic? Not getting the desired response off the other ones? I'm not saying you don't know what your doing but you do seem to rely heavily on Youtube for your upskilling.

sas777, Jun 2, 1:09am
OK intrade I watched your video all the way through. Did I learn anything useful? One or two things. That issue with a dodgy air-flow meter causing erratic auto gear changes, didn't know that (but not surprised) and his logic in deducing a remaining module would be faulty after all the others in the system check out fine.
Problems? Well he was an older guy talking about a lot of the hard to diagnose faults he has been up against, during the last couple of decades or so. A lot of the vehicles won't be on the road any more so that makes some of his information non relevant. Also he came across as more of a storyteller than a real diagnostic guy, always having got the upper hand over someone or something. The video was also hard to watch, as it was zoomed in on his face for most of the time.

Personally I would have liked a Powerpoint display with lots of problem related photos and explanation drawings, with him talking in the background. Especially I'd like it updated to much newer vehicles and technical issues. He has the big screen there, but hardly used it.

Anyway, thanks for the link, it didn't do any harm - nothing ventured nothing gained

bashfulbro, Jun 2, 1:21am
I would love to.

intrade, Jun 2, 1:29am
its on the other thread
whatch that first befor i post the other link other one is about coolant and its problems and how you service correctly

towelynz, Jun 2, 1:45am
Gates belts aren't like they used to be, I'll tell you that much. I reckon their quailty has dropped.

All us swap-a-whatever you call us, know what a Gates belt is. It's far easier to swap for a new one than re-build a belt.

intrade, Jun 2, 2:01am
its 1 liter ecoboost fiesta engine with no EGR like i said ages ago done by variable valve timing sucking exhaust gas back in to the engine on exhaust valve , and no tollerance for any form of error or neglect like i keep telling since ages due to emission laws.
take a close look at the coolant gallerys of that thing and you know why you need to service it on time.

Donny Seyfer: Cooling System Diagnosis for the 21st Century (Full Seminar)


exadore, Jun 2, 2:28am
Good grief, why can we not go back to the simple days when you could change an engine with a socket set and some screw drivers in three hours? Those cars could also knock over power poles and you could then drive home, just! Early 1980's.

upnorth, Jun 2, 6:29am
So problems have moved on from cr^p in the carburettor to just cr^p in the cooling system.

intrade, Jun 2, 4:18pm
did you even whatch the tutorial how professionally things are done he also shows leaking bmw coolant pumps and the prius generation 2 service and talks about subarus and hotrods

tony9, Aug 6, 9:22pm
Interesting (or maybe irrelevant) thought about the EcoBoost engine, and variations from other manufacturers.

We have an inlet compressor, direct injection to the combustion chamber, sophisticated engine control and exhaust turbine. Just add multiple compressor and and turbine stages and get rid of the reciprocating bits and we have a modern jet turbine, with more efficiency than the current up and down engines.

I have no doubt that further improvement in technologies and increased combustion pressures and temperatures we will see this in cars within the next generation.